[HTML][HTML] Promoting urban agriculture and its opportunities and challenges—a global review
Multifunctionality of urban agriculture can support the resolve of many urban challenges.
Therefore, it is vital to understand the contribution of academic studies on urban agriculture …
Therefore, it is vital to understand the contribution of academic studies on urban agriculture …
A systematic review of urban agriculture and food security impacts in low-income countries
With increasing global urbanization and environmental threats, ensuring food security for
poor city residents is a critical challenge. An ongoing debate is whether urban agriculture …
poor city residents is a critical challenge. An ongoing debate is whether urban agriculture …
[HTML][HTML] Monitoring the contribution of urban agriculture to urban sustainability: an indicator-based framework
C Tapia, L Randall, S Wang, LA Borges - Sustainable Cities and Society, 2021 - Elsevier
In an increasingly urbanized world, urban agriculture and community gardening are
promoted as lever for sustainable urban development. Urban agriculture contributes to food …
promoted as lever for sustainable urban development. Urban agriculture contributes to food …
Modelling the impact of urban growth on agriculture and natural land in Italy to 2030
The uncontrolled spread of towns and cities into their surrounding rural and natural land,
and the consequent increasing demand for new natural resources are among the most …
and the consequent increasing demand for new natural resources are among the most …
Environment for development
S Farming - 1992 - JSTOR
With ongoing climate change, food insecurity is likely to become more widespread in most
small-holder and subsistence farm households in sub-Saharan Africa. However, the …
small-holder and subsistence farm households in sub-Saharan Africa. However, the …
Assessing gender inequality in food security among small-holder farm households in urban and rural South Africa
With the ongoing changes in climate, household food insecurity is likely to be more
widespread in most small-holder and subsistence farm households in sub-Saharan Africa …
widespread in most small-holder and subsistence farm households in sub-Saharan Africa …
Multifunctionality assessment of urban agriculture in Bei**g City, China
J Peng, Z Liu, Y Liu, X Hu, A Wang - Science of the Total Environment, 2015 - Elsevier
As an important approach to the realization of agricultural sustainable development,
multifunctionality has become a hot spot in the field of urban agriculture. Taking 13 …
multifunctionality has become a hot spot in the field of urban agriculture. Taking 13 …
Africa: On the rise, but to where?
F Obeng-Odoom - Forum for social economics, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
Africa's hitherto negative image is now being rapidly replaced by a new persona:'Africa on
the rise'. Developed mainly from Africa's growth experience, this re-imaging of Africa has …
the rise'. Developed mainly from Africa's growth experience, this re-imaging of Africa has …
[HTML][HTML] What does it take to renature cities? An expert-based analysis of barriers and strategies for the implementation of nature-based solutions
This paper uses an expert-based methodology to survey the barriers and strategies related
to the implementation of nature-based solutions (NBS). The ambition of the paper is to offer …
to the implementation of nature-based solutions (NBS). The ambition of the paper is to offer …
Impacts on the urban environment: Land cover change trajectories and landscape fragmentation in post-war Western Area, Sierra Leone
An influential underlying driver of human-induced landscape change is civil war and other
forms of conflict that cause human displacement. Internally displaced persons (IDPs) …
forms of conflict that cause human displacement. Internally displaced persons (IDPs) …