Present status and future challenges of non-interferometric tests of collapse models
The superposition principle is the cornerstone of quantum mechanics, leading to a variety of
genuinely quantum effects. Whether the principle applies also to macroscopic systems or …
genuinely quantum effects. Whether the principle applies also to macroscopic systems or …
[HTML][HTML] Quantum physics in space
Advances in quantum technologies are giving rise to a revolution in the way fundamental
physics questions are explored at the empirical level. At the same time, they are the seeds …
physics questions are explored at the empirical level. At the same time, they are the seeds …
Search for Spontaneous Radiation from Wave Function Collapse in the Majorana Demonstrator
IJ Arnquist, FT Avignone III, AS Barabash, CJ Barton… - Physical Review Letters, 2022 - APS
The Majorana Demonstrator neutrinoless double-beta decay experiment comprises a 44 kg
(30 kg enriched in Ge 76) array of p-type, point-contact germanium detectors. With its …
(30 kg enriched in Ge 76) array of p-type, point-contact germanium detectors. With its …
Quantum experiments with microscale particles
Quantum theory is incredibly successful, explaining the microscopic world with great
accuracy, from the behaviour of subatomic particles to chemical reactions to solid-state …
accuracy, from the behaviour of subatomic particles to chemical reactions to solid-state …
Narrowing the parameter space of collapse models with ultracold layered force sensors
Despite the unquestionable empirical success of quantum theory, witnessed by the recent
uprising of quantum technologies, the debate on how to reconcile the theory with the …
uprising of quantum technologies, the debate on how to reconcile the theory with the …
Room temperature test of the continuous spontaneous localization model using a levitated micro-oscillator
D Zheng, Y Leng, X Kong, R Li, Z Wang, X Luo… - Physical Review …, 2020 - APS
The continuous spontaneous localization (CSL) model predicts a tiny break of energy
conservation via a weak stochastic force acting on physical systems, which triggers the …
conservation via a weak stochastic force acting on physical systems, which triggers the …
X-Ray Emission from Atomic Systems Can Distinguish between Prevailing Dynamical Wave-Function Collapse Models
In this work the spontaneous electromagnetic radiation from atomic systems, induced by
dynamical wave-function collapse, is investigated in the x-ray domain. Strong departures are …
dynamical wave-function collapse, is investigated in the x-ray domain. Strong departures are …
Noninterferometric rotational test of the continuous spontaneous localization model: Enhancement of the collapse noise through shape optimization
The continuous spontaneous localization (CSL) model is the most studied among collapse
models, which describes the breakdown of the superposition principle for macroscopic …
models, which describes the breakdown of the superposition principle for macroscopic …
On the effectiveness of the collapse in the Diósi–Penrose model
L Figurato, M Dirindin, JL Gaona-Reyes… - New Journal of …, 2024 - iopscience.iop.org
The possibility that gravity plays a role in the collapse of the quantum wave function has
been considered in the literature, and it is of relevance not only because it would provide a …
been considered in the literature, and it is of relevance not only because it would provide a …
Testing continuous spontaneous localization with Fermi liquids
Collapse models describe phenomenologically the quantum-to-classical transition by
adding suitable nonlinear and stochastic terms to the Schrödinger equation, thus (slightly) …
adding suitable nonlinear and stochastic terms to the Schrödinger equation, thus (slightly) …