The creativity model of age and innovation with IT: why older users are less innovative and what to do about it
To realise the full potential of their information technology (IT) infrastructure, successful firms
encourage users to innovate with IT. However, older users are much less innovative with IT …
encourage users to innovate with IT. However, older users are much less innovative with IT …
How do IT users' attributes influence innovative use of IT: The mediating role of individual absorptive capacity
Individual innovation is increasingly considered as a crucial element of organizational
innovation. Prior research on user attributes as antecedents of innovation behavior (eg …
innovation. Prior research on user attributes as antecedents of innovation behavior (eg …
The creativity model of age and innovation with IT: How to counteract the effects of age stereoty** on user innovation
S Tams, AM Dulipovici - 2019 - scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu
Older users shy away from the post-adoptive use of information technologies much more
often than their younger counterparts. This situation is alarming given that the workforce is …
often than their younger counterparts. This situation is alarming given that the workforce is …
Innovating in circles: A qualitative analysis on cycles of it feature recombinations for performative and creative outcomes
Innovations do not emerge in isolation but are at least to some extent recombinations of
previously existing building blocks. In this paper, we will build on the recombination …
previously existing building blocks. In this paper, we will build on the recombination …
[PDF][PDF] The Role of IT Feature Recombinations in Individuals' Innovative Use of IT.
Innovations do not emerge in isolation but are to some extent recombinations of previously
existing building blocks. In this paper, we build on the recombination processes feature set …
existing building blocks. In this paper, we build on the recombination processes feature set …
[PDF][PDF] Innovating in Circles
K Ebner, G Bassellier, S Smolnik - academia.edu
Innovations do not emerge in isolation but are at least to some extent recombinations of
previously existing building blocks. In this paper, we will build on the recombination …
previously existing building blocks. In this paper, we will build on the recombination …