Uranium isotope fractionation
MB Andersen, CH Stirling… - Reviews in Mineralogy …, 2017 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
This review focuses on the rapidly growing field of natural 238U/235U variability, largely
driven by the technical advances in the measurement of U isotope ratios by mass …
driven by the technical advances in the measurement of U isotope ratios by mass …
From oil-prone source rock to gas-producing shale reservoir–geologic and petrophysical characterization of unconventional shale-gas reservoirs
QR Passey, KM Bohacs, WL Esch… - SPE International Oil …, 2010 - onepetro.org
Many currently producing shale-gas reservoirs are overmature oil-prone source rocks.
Through burial and heating these reservoirs evolve from organic-matter-rich mud deposited …
Through burial and heating these reservoirs evolve from organic-matter-rich mud deposited …
Environmental analysis of paleoceanographic systems based on molybdenum–uranium covariation
TJ Algeo, N Tribovillard - Chemical Geology, 2009 - Elsevier
Modern low-oxygen marine systems exhibit patterns of molybdenum–uranium covariation
that can be linked to specific attributes and processes of the depositional system, including …
that can be linked to specific attributes and processes of the depositional system, including …
Geochemistry of recent oxic and anoxic marine sediments: implications for the geological record
SE Calvert, TF Pedersen - Marine geology, 1993 - Elsevier
The distributions of certain minor and trace elements in marine sediments should potentially
provide forensic tools for determining the redox conditions of the bottom waters at the time of …
provide forensic tools for determining the redox conditions of the bottom waters at the time of …
Trace-element behavior and redox facies in core shales of Upper Pennsylvanian Kansas-type cyclothems
TJ Algeo, JB Maynard - Chemical geology, 2004 - Elsevier
The black shale submember of core shales of Pennsylvanian Kansas-type cyclothems is
highly enriched in redox-sensitive trace elements (TEs) relative to the overlying gray shale …
highly enriched in redox-sensitive trace elements (TEs) relative to the overlying gray shale …
Relationship between inferred redox potential of the depositional environment and geochemistry of the Upper Pennsylvanian (Missourian) Stark Shale Member of the …
JR Hatch, JS Leventhal - Chemical Geology, 1992 - Elsevier
Analyses of 21 samples collected from a core of the 52.8-cm-thick Stark Shale Member of
the Dennis Limestone in Wabaunsee County, Kansas, demonstrate four cycles with two …
the Dennis Limestone in Wabaunsee County, Kansas, demonstrate four cycles with two …
Paleoceanographic applications of trace-metal concentration data
Recent studies have identified a range of new applications of trace-metal concentration data
in the analysis of paleoceanographic systems. In restricted anoxic marine systems, trace …
in the analysis of paleoceanographic systems. In restricted anoxic marine systems, trace …
Organic matter in ore genesis: Progress and perspectives
JR Disnar, JF Sureau - Organic Geochemistry, 1990 - Elsevier
Geochemical processes involving living organisms or detrital carbonaceous material have
often been invoked to explain the preferential enrichment of some metallic elements in …
often been invoked to explain the preferential enrichment of some metallic elements in …
Investigating the use of sedimentary geochemical proxies for paleoenvironment interpretation of thermally mature organic-rich strata: Examples from the Devonian …
DJK Ross, RM Bustin - Chemical Geology, 2009 - Elsevier
Shales and mudrocks are enriched with diverse suites of major elements and trace metals
that reflect their depositional environment, provenance and diagenesis. Here we present …
that reflect their depositional environment, provenance and diagenesis. Here we present …
Stratigraphy, geochemistry, and paleoceanography of organic carbon-rich Cretaceous sequences
The Cretaceous is characterized by unusually widespread distribution of “black shales”--
sequences of variable lithology containing numerous beds with organic-carbon (OC) …
sequences of variable lithology containing numerous beds with organic-carbon (OC) …