Advanced nitric oxide generating nanomedicine for therapeutic applications
Nitric oxide (NO), a gaseous transmitter extensively present in the human body, regulates
vascular relaxation, immune response, inflammation, neurotransmission, and other crucial …
vascular relaxation, immune response, inflammation, neurotransmission, and other crucial …
Rare-earth do** in nanostructured inorganic materials
Impurity do** is a promising method to impart new properties to various materials. Due to
their unique optical, magnetic, and electrical properties, rare-earth ions have been …
their unique optical, magnetic, and electrical properties, rare-earth ions have been …
Recent advances on modulation of H2O2 in tumor microenvironment for enhanced cancer therapeutic efficacy
Z Chu, J Yang, W Zheng, J Sun, W Wang… - Coordination Chemistry …, 2023 - Elsevier
Due to the rapid proliferation of tumors, the hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2) concentration of
tumor cells is higher than that of normal cells, which can be used as an effective target for …
tumor cells is higher than that of normal cells, which can be used as an effective target for …
The biologically relevant coordination chemistry of iron and nitric oxide: electronic structure and reactivity
Nitric oxide (NO) is an important signaling molecule that is involved in a wide range of
physiological and pathological events in biology. Metal coordination chemistry, especially …
physiological and pathological events in biology. Metal coordination chemistry, especially …
Photodynamic therapy for hypoxic tumors: Advances and perspectives
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) has been a preferred clinical technology for treating superficial
tumors due to its advantages of high selectivity, non-invasiveness and negligible drug …
tumors due to its advantages of high selectivity, non-invasiveness and negligible drug …
NIR‐II responsive inorganic 2D nanomaterials for cancer photothermal therapy: recent advances and future challenges
Non‐invasive cancer photothermal therapy (PTT) is a promising replacement for traditional
cancer treatments. The second near‐infrared region induced PTT (NIR‐II PTT, 1000–1500 …
cancer treatments. The second near‐infrared region induced PTT (NIR‐II PTT, 1000–1500 …
Tumor microenvironment-responsive intelligent nanoplatforms for cancer theranostics
The design and development of tumor microenvironment (TME)-responsive intelligent
nanoplatforms have attracted increasing interest to enhance the therapeutic effects of drugs …
nanoplatforms have attracted increasing interest to enhance the therapeutic effects of drugs …
Nanoparticle-triggered in situ catalytic chemical reactions for tumour-specific therapy
Tumour chemotherapy employs highly cytotoxic chemodrugs, which kill both cancer and
normal cells by cellular apoptosis or necrosis non-selectively. Catalysing/triggering the …
normal cells by cellular apoptosis or necrosis non-selectively. Catalysing/triggering the …
Silicon-containing nanomedicine and biomaterials: materials chemistry, multi-dimensional design, and biomedical application
The invention of silica-based bioactive glass in the late 1960s has sparked significant
interest in exploring a wide range of silicon-containing biomaterials from the macroscale to …
interest in exploring a wide range of silicon-containing biomaterials from the macroscale to …
Recent advances in functional nanomaterials for light–triggered cancer therapy
Photo–triggered therapeutic modalities for cancer have attracted enormous attention in
recent years due to the easily focused and tuned properties of irradiation light that enable …
recent years due to the easily focused and tuned properties of irradiation light that enable …