Vision-guided aerial manipulation using a multirotor with a robotic arm
This paper presents a vision guidance approach using an image-based visual servo (IBVS)
for an aerial manipulator combining a multirotor with a multidegree of freedom robotic arm …
for an aerial manipulator combining a multirotor with a multidegree of freedom robotic arm …
A fast dynamic pose estimation method for vision-based trajectory tracking control of industrial robots
X Wei, P Li, W Tian, D Wei, H Zhang, W Liao, Y Cao - Measurement, 2024 - Elsevier
Vision-based robotic trajectory tracking control is considered a promising technology.
However, the slow sampling rate and latency of the vision sensor enormously limit the …
However, the slow sampling rate and latency of the vision sensor enormously limit the …
Statistical learning algorithms to compensate slow visual feedback for industrial robots
Vision guided robots have become an important element in the manufacturing industry. In
most current industrial applications, vision guided robots are controlled by a look-then-move …
most current industrial applications, vision guided robots are controlled by a look-then-move …
Hybrid multi-camera visual servoing to moving target
Visual servoing is a well-known task in robotics. However, there are still challenges when
multiple visual sources are combined to accurately guide the robot or occlusions appear. In …
multiple visual sources are combined to accurately guide the robot or occlusions appear. In …
Visual servoing for robot manipulators considering sensing and dynamics limitations
This paper presents a control scheme of visual servoing. Real-time vision guidance is
necessary in many desirable applications of industrial manipulators. Challenge comes from …
necessary in many desirable applications of industrial manipulators. Challenge comes from …