Online social networks security and privacy: comprehensive review and analysis

AK Jain, SR Sahoo, J Kaubiyal - Complex & Intelligent Systems, 2021 - Springer
With fast-growing technology, online social networks (OSNs) have exploded in popularity
over the past few years. The pivotal reason behind this phenomenon happens to be the …

Social media security and trustworthiness: overview and new direction

Z Zhang, BB Gupta - Future Generation Computer Systems, 2018 - Elsevier
The emerging social media with inherent capabilities seems to be gaining edge over
comprehensiveness, diversity and wisdom, nevertheless its security and trustworthiness …

Understanding acceptance of eHealthcare by IoT natives and IoT immigrants: An integrated model of UTAUT, perceived risk, and financial cost

WB Arfi, IB Nasr, T Khvatova, YB Zaied - Technological Forecasting and …, 2021 - Elsevier
Abstract The Internet of Things (IoT) is a modern disruptive technological approach that
connects devices and people in a smart way at any time and at any place. The development …

Online fashion shop** paradox: The role of customer reviews and facebook marketing

F Kawaf, D Istanbulluoglu - Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2019 - Elsevier
The paper aims to investigate the relevance of social media marketing, particularly customer
reviews and Facebook pages in online fashion shop**. This qualitative study adopts …

[HTML][HTML] Privacy vs convenience: Understanding intention-behavior divergence post-GDPR

JH Zhang, T Koivumäki, D Chalmers - Computers in Human Behavior, 2024 - Elsevier
The privacy paradox describes a scenario in which individuals express privacy concerns but
still share private data online. We explore how the paradox can be understood following the …

On privacy and security in social media–a comprehensive study

K Saravanakumar, K Deepa - Procedia computer science, 2016 - Elsevier
Social networks have become a part of human life. Starting from sharing information like text,
photos, messages, many have started share latest news, and news related pictures in the …

The design and evaluation of a theory-based intervention to promote security behaviour against phishing

J Jansen, P Van Schaik - International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 2019 - Elsevier
This study examined the impact of fear appeal messages on user cognitions, attitudes,
behavioural attentions and precautionary behaviour regarding online information-sharing to …

Duplicitous social media and data surveillance: An evaluation of privacy risk

K Van der Schyff, S Flowerday, S Furnell - Computers & Security, 2020 - Elsevier
The surveillance of social media-based data is extensive, showing little signs of abating.
Alarmingly, social media corporates are seemingly irreproachable in this matter with many …

Social commerce and purchase intention: a brief look at the last decade by bibliometrics

C Dincer, B Dincer - Sustainability, 2023 -
Over the last decade, the development of smartphones, social networking sites, and
applications led to a rise in social commerce, a new way for companies and individuals to …

Synergy of building cybersecurity systems

S Yevseiev, V Ponomarenko, O Laptiev, O Milov… - 2021 -
The development of the modern world community is closely related to advances in
computing resources and cyberspace. The formation and expansion of the range of services …