[HTML][HTML] A CPS-based simulation platform for long production factories
Production technology in European steel industry has reached such a level, that significant
improvements can only be reached by through process optimization strategies instead of …
improvements can only be reached by through process optimization strategies instead of …
Quantitative performance evaluation of uncertainty-aware hybrid AADL designs using statistical model checking
The hybrid architecture analysis and design language (AADL) has been proposed to model
the interactions between embedded control systems and continuous physical environment …
the interactions between embedded control systems and continuous physical environment …
[HTML][HTML] Deep-learning-based cyber-physical system framework for real-time industrial operations
Automation in the industry can improve production efficiency and human safety when
performing complex and hazardous tasks. This paper presented an intelligent cyber …
performing complex and hazardous tasks. This paper presented an intelligent cyber …
Model-based design and automated validation of ARINC653 architectures using the AADL
Abstract Safety-Critical Systems as used in avionics systems are now extremely software-
reliant. As these systems are life-or mission-critical, software must be carefully designed and …
reliant. As these systems are life-or mission-critical, software must be carefully designed and …
An automatic transformation method from AADL reliability model to CTMC
C Yuan, K Wu, G Chen, Y Mo - 2021 IEEE International …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
AADL is a semi-formal architecture modeling language for the embedded field. Continuous
Time Markov Chain (CTMC) is a formal model for reliability evaluation. In the process of …
Time Markov Chain (CTMC) is a formal model for reliability evaluation. In the process of …
Applying AADL to realize embedded control systems for coordination of multiple low-cost underwater drones
HA Pham, T Soriano… - OCEANS 2019-Marseille, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The goal of this study is to realize a component architecture of embedded control systems for
coordination of UUV based on a Model Driven Engineering approach. We firstly have …
coordination of UUV based on a Model Driven Engineering approach. We firstly have …
[PDF][PDF] An Architecture-Centric Process for MILS Development.
Safety-critical embedded systems are now software-reliant and evolving at an incredible
pace. With the emerging Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem, these systems are now …
pace. With the emerging Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem, these systems are now …
Architecture-led diagnosis and verification of a stepper motor controller
This paper discussed an architecture-led approach to diagnosing time sensitive issues with
a stepper motor controller that manages fuel flow of an engine. A real engine control system …
a stepper motor controller that manages fuel flow of an engine. A real engine control system …
Model-based design and automated validation of ARINC653 architectures
Safety-Critical Systems as used in avionics systems are now extremely software-reliant. As
these systems are life-or mission-critical, software must be carefully designed and certified …
these systems are life-or mission-critical, software must be carefully designed and certified …
VK Maru - 2022 - soar.wichita.edu
Computational intelligence can improve the efficiency and performance of various industrial
systems. Industry 4.0 shows the rise in methods that provide (such as the Internet of Things …
systems. Industry 4.0 shows the rise in methods that provide (such as the Internet of Things …