Splash erosion: A review with unanswered questions

M Fernández-Raga, C Palencia, S Keesstra… - Earth-Science …, 2017‏ - Elsevier
Soil erosion is a serious ecological and environmental problem, and the main cause of land
degradation in many ecosystems at global scale. Detachment of soil particles by raindrop …

A review of the effects of throughfall and stemflow on soil properties and soil erosion

D Dunkerley - Precipitation partitioning by vegetation: A global …, 2020‏ - Springer
Over a large fraction of the global landsurface, precipitation interacts with standing
vegetation or organic litter prior to reaching the mineral soil. This interaction has both …

Interactive effects of rainfall intensity, kinetic energy and antecedent soil moisture regime on splash erosion in the Ultisol region of South China

L Wang, F Zheng, W Hu, XJ Zhang, H Shi - Catena, 2023‏ - Elsevier
Splash erosion has been acknowledged as a key process of water erosion, depending on
multiple factors including rainfall and soil properties, antecedent soil moisture, and surface …

Effect of ground cover on splash and sheetwash erosion over a steep forested hillslope: A plot-scale study

A Ghahramani, Y Ishikawa, T Gomi, K Shiraki, S Miyata - Catena, 2011‏ - Elsevier
The contributions and relationships of erosion by splash and overland flow over a steep
slope in a Japanese beech forest in plots with different percentages of ground cover were …

Understanding the uncertainty associated with particle-bound pollutant build-up and wash-off: A critical review

B Wijesiri, P Egodawatta, J McGree, A Goonetilleke - Water Research, 2016‏ - Elsevier
Accurate prediction of stormwater quality is essential for develo** effective pollution
mitigation strategies. The use of models incorporating simplified mathematical replications of …

Indirect and direct effects of soil properties on soil splash erosion rate in calcareous soils of the central Zagross, Iran: A laboratory study

T Saedi, M Shorafa, M Gorji, BK Moghadam - Geoderma, 2016‏ - Elsevier
Detachment of soil particles by means of raindrop impact is mainly affected by soil properties
especially in the absence of vegetation cover. This study was conducted to investigate the …

[HTML][HTML] Soil splash erosion: An overlooked issue for sustainable rubber plantation in the tropical region of China

X Zhu, X Yuan, E Lu, B Yang, H Wang, Y Du… - International Soil and …, 2023‏ - Elsevier
Soil erosion by water is known to be a major driver of land degradation. Splash erosion is
the initial stage of water erosion and directly contributes to the detachment of soil particles …

[HTML][HTML] Impacts of clay content and type on shear strength and splash erosion of clay–sand mixtures

S Ayoubi, A Milikian, MR Mosaddeghi, M Zeraatpisheh… - Minerals, 2022‏ - mdpi.com
Soil characteristics, especially clay content and clay type, have significant impacts on splash
erosion. This investigation was conducted to determine the effects of clay content and clay …

Plant architecture and foliar senescence impact the race between wheat growth and Zymoseptoria tritici epidemics

C Robert, G Garin, M Abichou, V Houlès… - Annals of …, 2018‏ - academic.oup.com
Abstract Background and Aims In order to optimize crop management in innovative
agricultural production systems, it is crucial to better understand how plant disease …

Rainfall drop arrival rate at the ground: A potentially informative parameter in the experimental study of infiltration, soil erosion, and related land surface processes

D Dunkerley - Catena, 2021‏ - Elsevier
Rainfall drop arrival rate (DAR) quantifies the number of impacts at the ground of drops of
varying size per unit area and time. It can be calculated from the drop size distribution and …