Crystallographically oriented Co and Ni nanocrystals inside ZnO formed by ion implantation and postannealing

S Zhou, K Potzger, J Von Borany, R Grötzschel… - Physical Review B …, 2008 - APS
In the last decade, transition-metal-doped ZnO has been intensively investigated as a route
to room-temperature diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMSs). However, the origin for the …

X-ray diffraction of III-nitrides

MA Moram, ME Vickers - Reports on progress in physics, 2009 -
The III-nitrides include the semiconductors AlN, GaN and InN, which have band gaps
spanning the entire UV and visible ranges. Thin films of III-nitrides are used to make UV …

Hexagonal boron nitride: Epitaxial growth and device applications

A Maity, SJ Grenadier, J Li, JY Lin, HX Jiang - Progress in Quantum …, 2021 - Elsevier
As a newest family member of the III-nitrides, BN is considered amongst the remaining
frontiers in wide energy bandgap semiconductors with potentials for technologically …

Piezoelectric sensors operating at very high temperatures and in extreme environments made of flexible ultrawide‐bandgap single‐crystalline AlN thin films

NI Kim, M Yarali, M Moradnia, M Aqib… - Advanced Functional …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Extreme environments are often faced in energy, transportation, aerospace, and defense
applications and pose a technical challenge in sensing. Piezoelectric sensor based on …

[หนังสือ][B] Heteroepitaxy of semiconductors: theory, growth, and characterization

JE Ayers, T Kujofsa, P Rago, J Raphael - 2016 -
In the past ten years, heteroepitaxy has continued to increase in importance with the
explosive growth of the electronics industry and the development of a myriad of …

Highly‐sensitive skin‐attachable eye‐movement sensor using flexible nonhazardous piezoelectric thin film

NI Kim, J Chen, W Wang, M Moradnia… - Advanced Functional …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Accurate and continuous monitoring of eye movements using compact, low‐power‐
consuming, and easily‐wearable sensors is necessary in personal and public health and …

High-precision absolute lattice parameter determination of SrTiO3, DyScO3 and NdGaO3 single crystals

M Schmidbauer, A Kwasniewski… - Structural Science, 2012 -
The lattice parameters of three perovskite-related oxides have been measured with high
precision at room temperature. An accuracy of the order of 10− 5 has been achieved by …

[HTML][HTML] Growth of β-Ga2O3 and ϵ/κ-Ga2O3 on AlN (0001) by molecular-beam epitaxy

S Raghuvansy, JP McCandless, M Schowalter, A Karg… - APL Materials, 2023 -
Growth of β-Ga2O3 and ϵ/κ-Ga2O3 on AlN(0001) by molecular-beam epitaxy | APL Materials |
AIP Publishing Skip to Main Content Umbrella Alt Text Umbrella Alt Text Close Publishers AIP …

On the origin of dislocation generation and annihilation in α-Ga2O3 epilayers on sapphire

TC Ma, XH Chen, Y Kuang, L Li, J Li, F Kremer… - Applied Physics …, 2019 -
Epitaxial film quality is critical to the success of high-performance α-Ga 2 O 3 vertical power
devices. In this work, the origins of threading dislocation generation and annihilation in thick …

Epitaxial titanium nitride microwave resonators: Structural, chemical, electrical, and microwave properties

R Gao, W Yu, H Deng, HS Ku, Z Li, M Wang, X Miao… - Physical Review …, 2022 - APS
Titanium nitride is an attractive material for a range of superconducting quantum-circuit
applications owing to its low microwave losses, high surface inductance, and chemical …