Greening the blue Pacific: Lessons on reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+)
Across the Pacific, deforestation and forest degradation are driving the loss of ecosystem
services. Increasing recognition of the need for mechanisms that can bridge economic …
services. Increasing recognition of the need for mechanisms that can bridge economic …
[HTML][HTML] Governing the design of national REDD+: An analysis of the power of agency
This paper investigates how three aspects of governance systems, namely the policy
context, the influence of key agents and their discursive practices, are affecting national …
context, the influence of key agents and their discursive practices, are affecting national …
Five years of REDD+ governance: The use of market mechanisms as a response to anthropogenic climate change
Forest ecosystems worldwide are increasingly subjected to human intervention, leading
commentators to argue that forests should be viewed as anthropogenic ecosystems. REDD+ …
commentators to argue that forests should be viewed as anthropogenic ecosystems. REDD+ …
REDD+, transformational change and the promise of performance-based payments: a qualitative comparative analysis
Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) has emerged as a
promising climate change mitigation mechanism in develo** countries. This article …
promising climate change mitigation mechanism in develo** countries. This article …
Framing national REDD+ benefits, monitoring, governance and finance: A comparative analysis of seven countries
This article analyzes how and with what possible consequences REDD+ is framed in the
national policy arena in Cameroon, Indonesia, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Tanzania …
national policy arena in Cameroon, Indonesia, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Tanzania …
[HTML][HTML] Does REDD+ ensure sectoral coordination and stakeholder participation? A comparative analysis of REDD+ national governance structures in countries of …
Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in develo** countries
(REDD+) requires harmonizing different policy sectors and interests that have impacts on …
(REDD+) requires harmonizing different policy sectors and interests that have impacts on …
[HTML][HTML] Governance values in the climate change regime: Stakeholder perceptions of REDD+ legitimacy at the national level
This paper presents the results of two national-level studies of REDD+ governance values in
Nepal and Papua New Guinea (PNG), using a hierarchical framework of principles, criteria …
Nepal and Papua New Guinea (PNG), using a hierarchical framework of principles, criteria …
Advocacy coalitions, REDD+, and forest governance in Papua New Guinea: how likely is transformational change?
Tropical forests in develo** countries are increasingly being valued for their role in carbon
sequestration. Such interest is reflected in the emergence of international initiatives for …
sequestration. Such interest is reflected in the emergence of international initiatives for …
The discourses of climate change science: Scientific reporting, climate negotiations and the case of Papua New Guinea
S Pascoe, S Brincat, A Croucher - Global Environmental Change, 2019 - Elsevier
This paper analyses climate science as a discourse to reveal how it enables and constrains
climate change negotiations and action. Focusing on long-term outcomes projected in the …
climate change negotiations and action. Focusing on long-term outcomes projected in the …
[HTML][HTML] Storytelling climate change–Causality and temporality in the REDD+ regime in Papua New Guinea
Climate change is shaped and understood through assumptions of causality and temporality
that enable and constrain feasible approaches to environmental governance, approaches …
that enable and constrain feasible approaches to environmental governance, approaches …