A comparative study of the response of buried pipes under static and moving loads
The buried pipes should be designed properly to withstand the loads imposed by the backfill
soil weight and traffic loads. However, a thorough literature review has shown differing …
soil weight and traffic loads. However, a thorough literature review has shown differing …
[HTML][HTML] Effect of pipe installation and external load on buried steel pipe responses: Experimental and numerical investigations
During pipe installation, compacting soil at pipe sides causes an initial pipe deformation
which is known as the “peaking” effect. However, in conventional pipe design codes, only …
which is known as the “peaking” effect. However, in conventional pipe design codes, only …
[HTML][HTML] Static and seismic responses of eco-friendly buried concrete pipes with various dosages of fly ash
In this paper, an evaluation based on the detailed failure has been conducted for
underground sewage Geopolymer concrete (GPC) pipes under static and seismic loadings …
underground sewage Geopolymer concrete (GPC) pipes under static and seismic loadings …
[HTML][HTML] Equations to predict vertical deflection and maximum stress of buried pipes under overburden
The structural integrity and safety of buried pipes are mainly governed by the deflection and
the maximum stress, which are controlled by the earth pressure exerted around the pipe …
the maximum stress, which are controlled by the earth pressure exerted around the pipe …
Numerical analyses of the stress and ultimate bearing capacity for small-diameter gas pipelines under multiple-wheel heavy vehicle
G **a, K Liao, T He, G He, D Liao - Journal of Pipeline Systems …, 2023 - ascelibrary.org
Vehicle load is the most frequent live load on cross-highway pipelines. Cross-highway
pipelines will bear great stress under the rolling action of heavy vehicles, which leads to …
pipelines will bear great stress under the rolling action of heavy vehicles, which leads to …
Time-dependent reliability analysis of buried water distribution network: Combined finite-element and probabilistic approach
Corrosion deterioration is the predominant factor for a large number of cast iron (CI) water
main breaks. The reliability of CI pipelines decreases overtime as corrosion growth on pipe …
main breaks. The reliability of CI pipelines decreases overtime as corrosion growth on pipe …
On the effect of soil water saturation on buried steel pipe responses under external load
Soil water saturation affects soil behavior when subjected to external loads and thus buried
pipe deformation. To investigate this effect, full-scale tests were conducted on a buried steel …
pipe deformation. To investigate this effect, full-scale tests were conducted on a buried steel …
Dynamic response analysis of buried HDPE pipes under vibration compaction considering the influence of buried depth and filling modulus
C Ma, X Wang, J Zhang, H Luo, Y Zhang - Applied Sciences, 2023 - mdpi.com
During pavement construction, the gravity load and vibration excitation from vibratory rollers
can seriously affect the safety of underground pipelines. However, research on the dynamic …
can seriously affect the safety of underground pipelines. However, research on the dynamic …
Full-Scale Field Test Study of Mechanical Behavior of Airport Oil Pipeline
C Huang, S Wang, Y Sun - Journal of Pipeline Systems …, 2025 - ascelibrary.org
In order to fully comprehend the mechanical behavior of airport oil pipelines under different
kinds of loading, field tests were designed to obtain the intensity of self-weight stress and …
kinds of loading, field tests were designed to obtain the intensity of self-weight stress and …
Geotechnical centrifuge and numerical modelling of buried pipelines
Mechanical response of buried pipes subjected to vehicle live loads acting on the ground
surface has been exhaustively studied in the past decades. However, it remains an open …
surface has been exhaustively studied in the past decades. However, it remains an open …