Quantum chaos driven by long-range waveguide-mediated interactions
We study theoretically quantum states of a pair of photons interacting with a finite periodic
array of two-level atoms in a waveguide. Our calculation reveals two-polariton eigenstates …
array of two-level atoms in a waveguide. Our calculation reveals two-polariton eigenstates …
Instability statistics and mixing rates
We claim that looking at probability distributions of finite time largest Lyapunov exponents,
and more precisely studying their large deviation properties, yields an extremely powerful …
and more precisely studying their large deviation properties, yields an extremely powerful …
The influence of hyperchaoticity, synchronization, and Shannon entropy on the performance of a physical reservoir computer
In this paper, we analyze the dynamic effect of a reservoir computer (RC) on its performance.
Modified Kuramoto's coupled oscillators are used to model the RC, and synchronization …
Modified Kuramoto's coupled oscillators are used to model the RC, and synchronization …
Characterizing the dynamics of higher dimensional nonintegrable conservative systems
The phase space dynamics of higher dimensional nonintegrable conservative systems is
characterized via the effect of “sticky” motion on the finite time Lyapunov exponents (FTLEs) …
characterized via the effect of “sticky” motion on the finite time Lyapunov exponents (FTLEs) …
Soft wall effects on interacting particles in billiards
The effect of physically realizable wall potentials (soft walls) on the dynamics of two
interacting particles in a one-dimensional (1D) billiard is examined numerically. The 1D …
interacting particles in a one-dimensional (1D) billiard is examined numerically. The 1D …
Chaotic motion at the emergence of the time averaged energy decay
A system plus environment conservative model is used to characterize the nonlinear
dynamics when the time averaged energy for the system particle starts to decay. The system …
dynamics when the time averaged energy for the system particle starts to decay. The system …
Intrinsic stickiness and chaos in open integrable billiards: Tiny border effects
MS Custódio, MW Beims - Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft …, 2011 - APS
Rounding border effects at the escape point of open integrable billiards are analyzed via the
escape-time statistics and emission angles. The model is the rectangular billiard and the …
escape-time statistics and emission angles. The model is the rectangular billiard and the …
Gauss map and Lyapunov exponents of interacting particles in a billiard
We show that the Lyapunov exponent (LE) of periodic orbits with Lebesgue measure zero
from the Gauss map can be used to determine the main qualitative behavior of the LE of a …
from the Gauss map can be used to determine the main qualitative behavior of the LE of a …
Manifold angles, the concept of self-similarity and angle-enhanced bifurcation diagrams
Chaos and regularity are routinely discriminated by using Lyapunov exponents distilled from
the norm of orthogonalized Lyapunov vectors, propagated during the temporal evolution of …
the norm of orthogonalized Lyapunov vectors, propagated during the temporal evolution of …
Chaotic and Arnold stripes in weakly chaotic Hamiltonian systems
The dynamics in weakly chaotic Hamiltonian systems strongly depends on initial conditions
(ICs) and little can be affirmed about generic behaviors. Using two distinct Hamiltonian …
(ICs) and little can be affirmed about generic behaviors. Using two distinct Hamiltonian …