Herbivore offense

R Karban, AA Agrawal - Annual Review of Ecology and …, 2002 - annualreviews.org
▪ Abstract Herbivore offense describes traits that allow herbivores to increase their feeding
and other uses of host plants when these uses benefit the herbivores. We argue that …

Nutrition in terrestrial isopods (Isopoda: Oniscidea): an evolutionary-ecological approach

M Zimmer - Biological Reviews, 2002 - cambridge.org
The nutritional morphology, physiology and ecology of terrestrial isopods (Isopoda:
Oniscidea) is significant in two respects.(1) Most oniscid isopods are truly terrestrial in terms …

[書籍][B] Wildlife ecology, conservation, and management

JM Fryxell, ARE Sinclair, G Caughley - 2014 - books.google.com
To understand modern principles of sustainable management and the conservation of
wildlife species requires intimate knowledge about demography, animal behavior, and …

[書籍][B] Anticancer agents from natural products

GM Cragg, DGI Kingston, DJ Newman - 2005 - taylorfrancis.com
Plants, marine organisms, and microorganisms have evolved complex chemical defense
and signaling systems that are designed to protect them from predators and provide other …

Can quantity replace quality? Food choice, compensatory feeding, and fitness of marine mesograzers

E Cruz-Rivera, ME Hay - Ecology, 2000 - Wiley Online Library
Relationships among food choice, compensatory feeding, and the consequences for
consumer fitness rarely have been quantified. We created foods of varying nutritional quality …

Dietary mixing in a generalist herbivore: tests of two hypotheses

EA Bernays, KL Bright, N Gonzalez, J Angel - Ecology, 1994 - Wiley Online Library
It has been demonstrated in several taxa that generalists grow better when they ingest a
mixed diet than when they are restricted to just one or two items, but there are few cases that …

[書籍][B] Marine chemical ecology

JB McClintock, BJ Baker - 2001 - taylorfrancis.com
The interdisciplinary field of marine chemical ecology is an expanding and dynamic science.
It is no surprise that the breadth of marine organisms studied expanded in concert with …

Insect herbivores: different reasons for being a generalist

EA Bernays, O Minkenberg - Ecology, 1997 - Wiley Online Library
Two very different factors favor generalist herbivores over specialist herbivores: greater
resource availability, which should be universally beneficial, and the possibility of mixing …

Parasitic plants: parallels and contrasts with herbivores

SC Pennings, RM Callaway - Oecologia, 2002 - Springer
Parasitic plants are common in natural communities, but are largely ignored in plant
community theory. Interactions between parasitic plants and hosts often parallel those …

Stage structure alters how complexity affects stability of ecological networks

VHW Rudolf, KD Lafferty - Ecology letters, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Ecology Letters (2011) 14: 75–79 Abstract Resolving how complexity affects stability of
natural communities is of key importance for predicting the consequences of biodiversity …