Boron isotope variations in tourmaline from hydrothermal ore deposits: a review of controlling factors and insights for mineralizing systems
Tourmaline group minerals are typically the predominant host of boron in hydrothermal
mineral deposits. Boron is a fluid-mobile element whose isotopic composition reflects many …
mineral deposits. Boron is a fluid-mobile element whose isotopic composition reflects many …
Major and trace element geochemistry of tourmalines from Archean orogenic gold deposits: Proxies for the origin of gold mineralizing fluids?
Orogenic style gold mineralizations in the Archean Hattu Schist belt (E Finland) are present
in all major host rock lithologies including epiclastic sedimentary and volcanogenic rocks, as …
in all major host rock lithologies including epiclastic sedimentary and volcanogenic rocks, as …
Tourmaline as a tracer of late-magmatic to hydrothermal fluid evolution: The world-class San Rafael tin (-copper) deposit, Peru
Abstract The world-class San Rafael tin (-copper) deposit (central Andean tin belt, southeast
Peru) is an exceptionally large and rich (> 1 million metric tons Sn; grades typically> 2% Sn) …
Peru) is an exceptionally large and rich (> 1 million metric tons Sn; grades typically> 2% Sn) …
Chemical composition of tourmaline in orogenic gold deposits
Tourmaline from 18 orogenic gold deposits and districts, hosted in varied country rocks and
metamorphic facies, was investigated by EPMA (electron probe micro-analyzer) and LA-ICP …
metamorphic facies, was investigated by EPMA (electron probe micro-analyzer) and LA-ICP …
The imprint of hydrothermal fluids on trace-element contents in white mica and tourmaline from the Panasqueira W–Sn–Cu deposit, Portugal
White mica and tourmaline are the dominant hydrothermal alteration minerals at the world-
class Panasqueira W–Sn–Cu deposit in Portugal. Thus, understanding the controls on their …
class Panasqueira W–Sn–Cu deposit in Portugal. Thus, understanding the controls on their …
[PDF][PDF] Tourmaline studies through time: contributions to scientific advancements
Tourmaline studies have expanded in breadth and greatly increased in number since 1977,
when micro-analytical and crystallographic/spectroscopic instrumentation became widely …
when micro-analytical and crystallographic/spectroscopic instrumentation became widely …
Chemical and boron isotopic compositions of tourmaline at the Dachang Sn-polymetallic ore district in South China: Constraints on the origin and evolution of …
KD Zhao, LH Zhang, MR Palmer, SY Jiang, C Xu… - Mineralium …, 2021 - Springer
Abstract The Dachang Sn-polymetallic ore district in South China is the second largest tin
district in the world with a tin reserve of over one million tonnes. Zn-Cu skarn and stratiform …
district in the world with a tin reserve of over one million tonnes. Zn-Cu skarn and stratiform …
Magmatic-hydrothermal mineralization processes at the Yidong Tin Deposit, South China: Insights from in situ chemical and boron isotope changes of tourmaline
HD Zhao, KD Zhao, MR Palmer… - Economic …, 2021 -
Owing to the superimposition of water-rock interaction and external fluids, magmatic source
signatures of ore-forming fluids for vein-type tin deposits are commonly overprinted. Hence …
signatures of ore-forming fluids for vein-type tin deposits are commonly overprinted. Hence …
Magma mixing and magmatic-to-hydrothermal fluid evolution revealed by chemical and boron isotopic signatures in tourmaline from the Zhunuo–Beimulang porphyry …
Y Zheng, X Chen, MR Palmer, K Zhao… - Mineralium …, 2024 - Springer
We present coupled textural, elemental, and boron isotopic data of tourmaline from the large
Zhunuo–Beimulang collision-related porphyry copper deposits (PCDs) located within the …
Zhunuo–Beimulang collision-related porphyry copper deposits (PCDs) located within the …
Tourmaline compositions and textures: reflections of the fluid phase
Abstract© 2018, Czech Geological Survey. All rights reserved. Tourmaline uniquely records
evidence of its geologic history in its composition and, if properly decoded, provides insight …
evidence of its geologic history in its composition and, if properly decoded, provides insight …