An assessment of groundwater quality for irrigation and drinking purposes around brick kilns in three districts of Balochistan province, Pakistan, through water quality …
S Khalid - Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 2019 - Elsevier
Groundwater quality monitoring is important in an arid region like Balochistan province,
Pakistan. This province is characterized by lack of recharge, high evaporation rate coupled …
Pakistan. This province is characterized by lack of recharge, high evaporation rate coupled …
The impact of brick kilns on environment and society: a bibliometric and thematic review
Bricks have a long history of being utilized as a construction material across the globe. The
production processes involved in the manufacture of bricks have a significant impact on the …
production processes involved in the manufacture of bricks have a significant impact on the …
Groundwater contamination through potentially harmful metals and its implications in groundwater management
Groundwater contamination through potentially harmful metals (PHMs) is an environmental
hazard in Pakistan with significant human health risk reports. The current research was …
hazard in Pakistan with significant human health risk reports. The current research was …
Contamination level, source identification and health risk assessment of potentially toxic elements in drinking water sources of mining and non-mining areas of Khyber …
Accelerated mining activities have increased water contamination with potentially toxic
elements (PTEs) and their associated human health risk in develo** countries. The …
elements (PTEs) and their associated human health risk in develo** countries. The …
Drinking water quality assessment of government, non-government and self-based schemes in the disaster affected areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
The present study aimed to investigate the physicochemical parameters, potentially toxic
elements (PTEs) and Escherichia coli (E. coli) contamination with associated health risks in …
elements (PTEs) and Escherichia coli (E. coli) contamination with associated health risks in …
Geochemical profile and source identification of surface and groundwater pollution of District Chitral, Northern Pakistan
This study investigated the physicochemical parameters of the ground and surface water of
district Chitral, northern Pakistan, with particular emphasis on the fate, source distribution …
district Chitral, northern Pakistan, with particular emphasis on the fate, source distribution …
Determination and health risk assessment of trace elements in the tap water of two Sub-Cities of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Water is an essential component of all living things on earth and the contamination of water
by heavy metals can cause detrimental health effects. This study aimed to determine the …
by heavy metals can cause detrimental health effects. This study aimed to determine the …
Investigating the drinking and surface water quality and associated health risks in a semi-arid multi-industrial metropolis (Faisalabad), Pakistan
Urban areas under the influence of multi-industrial activities with arid and semi-arid
environments witness the significant increase in environmental pollution especially in the …
environments witness the significant increase in environmental pollution especially in the …
[HTML][HTML] Natural radionuclides, heavy metals and health risk assessment in surface water of Nkalagu river dam with statistical analysis
The concentrations of natural radionuclides (40 K, 238 U and 232 Th), heavy metals (Pb, Ni,
Cu, Cr and Cd) and associated health risk in surface water of Nkalagu river dam have been …
Cu, Cr and Cd) and associated health risk in surface water of Nkalagu river dam have been …
Heavy metals drinking water contamination and health risk assessment among primary school children of Pakistan
The purpose of this study was to characterize the concentrations of lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd),
manganese (Mn), and Fe (Fe) in drinking water sources in primary schools in Sindh …
manganese (Mn), and Fe (Fe) in drinking water sources in primary schools in Sindh …