A meta‐analysis of nestedness and turnover components of beta diversity across organisms and ecosystems
Aim The number of studies investigating the nestedness and turnover components of beta
diversity has increased substantially, but our general understanding of the drivers of …
diversity has increased substantially, but our general understanding of the drivers of …
Towards an eco‐phylogenetic framework for infectious disease ecology
Identifying patterns and drivers of infectious disease dynamics across multiple scales is a
fundamental challenge for modern science. There is growing awareness that it is necessary …
fundamental challenge for modern science. There is growing awareness that it is necessary …
Interrogating genomic-scale data for Squamata (lizards, snakes, and amphisbaenians) shows no support for key traditional morphological relationships
Genomics is narrowing uncertainty in the phylogenetic structure for many amniote groups.
For one of the most diverse and species-rich groups, the squamate reptiles (lizards, snakes …
For one of the most diverse and species-rich groups, the squamate reptiles (lizards, snakes …
Phylogeographic and population genetic analyses reveal multiple species of Boa and independent origins of insular dwarfism
Boa is a Neotropical genus of snakes historically recognized as monotypic despite its
expansive distribution. The distinct morphological traits and color patterns exhibited by these …
expansive distribution. The distinct morphological traits and color patterns exhibited by these …
Host susceptibility to snake fungal disease is highly dispersed across phylogenetic and functional trait space
Emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) reduce host population sizes, cause extinction,
disassemble communities, and have indirect negative effects on human well-being. Fungal …
disassemble communities, and have indirect negative effects on human well-being. Fungal …
A unified model of species abundance, genetic diversity, and functional diversity reveals the mechanisms structuring ecological communities
Biodiversity accumulates hierarchically by means of ecological and evolutionary processes
and feedbacks. Within ecological communities drift, dispersal, speciation, and selection …
and feedbacks. Within ecological communities drift, dispersal, speciation, and selection …
Marine subsidies mediate patterns in avian island biogeography
The classical theory of island biogeography, which predicts species richness using island
area and isolation, has been expanded to include contributions from marine subsidies, ie …
area and isolation, has been expanded to include contributions from marine subsidies, ie …
pycoalescence and rcoalescence: Packages for simulating spatially explicit neutral models of biodiversity
Neutral theory proposes that some macroscopic biodiversity patterns can be explained in
terms of drift, speciation and immigration, without invoking niches. There are many different …
terms of drift, speciation and immigration, without invoking niches. There are many different …
Area and distance from mainland affect in different ways richness and phylogenetic diversity of snakes in Atlantic Forest coastal islands
JTM Portillo, LS Ouchi‐Melo, LB Crivellari… - Ecology and …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Aim The Theory of Island Biogeography posits that ecological and evolutionary
processes regulate species richness of isolated areas. We assessed the influences of an …
processes regulate species richness of isolated areas. We assessed the influences of an …
On the Brink of Change? Environmental Drivers of Voluntary Thermal Maximum in South American Pitvipers
Aim We test the relationship between the voluntary thermal maximum (VTMax; the
temperature at which an individual actively retreats to a colder site) and geographical …
temperature at which an individual actively retreats to a colder site) and geographical …