Code development and safety analyses for Pb–Bi-cooled direct contact boiling water fast reactor (PBWFR)
Pb–Bi-cooled direct contact boiling water fast reactor (PBWFR) can produce steam from the
direct contact of feed-water and lead bismuth eutectic (LBE) in the chimney of 3 m height …
direct contact of feed-water and lead bismuth eutectic (LBE) in the chimney of 3 m height …
3-Dimensional full core neutronic analysis for uranium nitride fuel CANDLE reactor using Monte Carlo MCNP6 code
The neutronic analysis of full-core 3-dimensional geometrical modeling for a CANDLE
reactor was conducted in this study, utilizing uranium nitride fuel and the MCNP6 code …
reactor was conducted in this study, utilizing uranium nitride fuel and the MCNP6 code …
The prospect of uranium nitride (UN-PuN) fuel for 25-100MWe gas cooled fast reactor long life without refuelling
The prospect of uranium nitride (UN-PuN) fuel for 25-100MWe Gas Cooled Fast Reactor has
been done. This research use helium coolant which has low neutron moderation, chemical …
been done. This research use helium coolant which has low neutron moderation, chemical …
Design study of long-life Pb-Bi cooled fast reactor with natural uranium as fuel cycle input using modified CANDLE burn-up scheme
This paper reports a conceptual design study of Pb-Bi cooled fast reactors with a fuel cycle
that needs only natural uranium input. In this design, the CANDLE burn-up strategy is …
that needs only natural uranium input. In this design, the CANDLE burn-up strategy is …
Desain study of Pb-Bi cooled fast reactors with natural uranium as fuel cycle input using special shuffling strategy in radial direction
Design study of Pb-Bi cooled fast reactors with natural uranium as fuel cycle input using
special radial shuffling strategy has been performed. The reactors utilizes UN-PUN as fuel …
special radial shuffling strategy has been performed. The reactors utilizes UN-PUN as fuel …
Analisis Kecelakaan Reaktor Akibat Kegagalan Sistem Pembuang Panas pada Reaktor Nuklir Generasi IV
Salah satu aspek terpenting dalam proses desain reaktor nuklir adalah aspek keselamatan
reaktor. Sebelum membangun reaktor secara fisik, terlebih dahulu dibuat perencaaan …
reaktor. Sebelum membangun reaktor secara fisik, terlebih dahulu dibuat perencaaan …
Design study of gas cooled fast reactors using natural uranium as fuel cycle input employing radial shuffling strategy
Design study of gas cooled fast reactors with natural uranium as fuel cycle input has been
performed. The reactors utilizes UN-PUN as fuel, helium as coolant, and can be operated …
performed. The reactors utilizes UN-PUN as fuel, helium as coolant, and can be operated …
Design study of medium-sized Pb-Bi cooled fast reactors with natural uranium as fuel cycle input using modified CANDLE burn-up scheme
In this study application of modified CANDLE burn-up scheme for medium-sized (800–1500
MWt) long-life Pb-Bi cooled fast reactors with natural uranium as fuel cycle input has been …
MWt) long-life Pb-Bi cooled fast reactors with natural uranium as fuel cycle input has been …
Development of Linkage Program Code OpenMC and ORIGEN2. 2 for Neutronic Analysis and Burnup Nuclear Reactor Program
This paper discusses the development of program code that coupling the ORIGEN2. 2 for
burn-up analysis with the Monte Carlo program OpenMC for neutron analysis program …
burn-up analysis with the Monte Carlo program OpenMC for neutron analysis program …
Fission Yield Calculation Method and its Effect in Nuclear Fuel Cell Homogenization Calculation
Zero burn-up core capability can eliminate possible super prompt critical accident and make
possible of inherent safety feature based on reactivity feedback mechanism. In this concept …
possible of inherent safety feature based on reactivity feedback mechanism. In this concept …