Time-resolved experiments on gas-phase atoms and molecules with XUV and X-ray free-electron lasers

D Rolles - Advances in Physics: X, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Over the last 20 years, XUV and X-ray free-electron lasers have enabled a wide variety of
time-resolved experiments that have dramatically advanced our understanding of ultrafast …

Experimental demonstration of attosecond pump–probe spectroscopy with an X-ray free-electron laser

Z Guo, T Driver, S Beauvarlet, D Cesar, J Duris… - Nature …, 2024 - nature.com
Pump–probe experiments with subfemtosecond resolution are the key to understanding
electronic dynamics in quantum systems. Here we demonstrate the generation and control …

Quantum coherence in molecular photoionization

M Ruberti, S Patchkovskii, V Averbukh - Physical Chemistry Chemical …, 2022 - pubs.rsc.org
The study of onset and decay, as well as control of ultrafast quantum coherence in many-
electron systems is in the focus of interest of attosecond physics. Interpretation of attosecond …

Simulating Attochemistry: Which Dynamics Method to Use?

T Tran, A Ferté, M Vacher - The Journal of Physical Chemistry …, 2024 - ACS Publications
Attochemistry aims to exploit the properties of coherent electronic wavepackets excited via
attosecond pulses to control the formation of photoproducts. Such molecular processes can …

[HTML][HTML] HISOL: High-energy soliton dynamics enable ultrafast far-ultraviolet laser sources

C Brahms, JC Travers - APL Photonics, 2024 - pubs.aip.org
Ultrafast laser sources in the far ultraviolet (100–300 nm) have been the subject of intense
experimental efforts for several decades, driven primarily by the requirements of advanced …

Observation of site-selective chemical bond changes via ultrafast chemical shifts

A Al-Haddad, S Oberli, J González-Vázquez… - Nature …, 2022 - nature.com
The concomitant motion of electrons and nuclei on the femtosecond time scale marks the
fate of chemical and biological processes. Here we demonstrate the ability to initiate and …

Ultrafast roaming mechanisms in ethanol probed by intense extreme ultraviolet free-electron laser radiation: electron transfer versus proton transfer

E Wang, NG Kling, AC LaForge, R Obaid… - The journal of …, 2023 - ACS Publications
Ultrafast H2+ and H3+ formation from ethanol is studied using pump-probe spectroscopy
with an extreme ultraviolet (XUV) free-electron laser. The first pulse creates a dication …

Attosecond impulsive stimulated X-ray Raman scattering in liquid water

O Alexander, F Egun, L Rego, AM Gutierrez… - Science …, 2024 - science.org
We report the measurement of impulsive stimulated x-ray Raman scattering in neutral liquid
water. An attosecond pulse drives the excitations of an electronic wavepacket in water …

Few-femtosecond electron transfer dynamics in photoionized donor–π–acceptor molecules

F Vismarra, F Fernández-Villoria, D Mocci… - Nature Chemistry, 2024 - nature.com
The exposure of molecules to attosecond extreme-ultraviolet (XUV) pulses offers a unique
opportunity to study the early stages of coupled electron–nuclear dynamics in which the role …

Core-hole coherent spectroscopy in molecules

E Rodríguez-Cuenca, A Picón, S Oberli, AI Kuleff… - Physical Review Letters, 2024 - APS
We study the ultrafast dynamics initiated by a coherent superposition of core-excited states
of nitrous oxide molecule. Using high-level ab initio methods, we show that the decoherence …