A comprehensive review on biomass cookstoves and a systematic approach for modern cookstove design

MP Kshirsagar, VR Kalamkar - Renewable and Sustainable Energy …, 2014 - Elsevier
Improved biomass cookstoves has been a topic of research for more than 40 years, but still
2.6 billion people cook over an open biomass fire. A large volume of information on the …

Health and household air pollution from solid fuel use: the need for improved exposure assessment

ML Clark, JL Peel, K Balakrishnan… - Environmental …, 2013 - ehp.niehs.nih.gov
Background: Nearly 3 billion people worldwide rely on solid fuel combustion to meet basic
household energy needs. The resulting exposure to air pollution causes an estimated 4.5 …

Adoption and sustained use of improved cookstoves

I Ruiz-Mercado, O Masera, H Zamora, KR Smith - Energy policy, 2011 - Elsevier
The adoption and sustained use of improved cookstoves are critical performance
parameters of the cooking system that must be monitored just like the rest of the stove …

Fuel use and emissions performance of fifty cooking stoves in the laboratory and related benchmarks of performance

N MacCarty, D Still, D Ogle - Energy for sustainable development, 2010 - Elsevier
Improved cooking stove projects in the develo** world have the potential to reduce
deforestation, improve health, and slow climate change. To meet these requirements, stoves …

Cleaner cooking solutions to achieve health, climate, and economic cobenefits

SC Anenberg, K Balakrishnan, J Jetter, O Masera… - 2013 - ACS Publications
Nearly half the world's population must rely on solid fuels such as biomass (wood, charcoal,
agricultural residues, and animal dung) and coal for household energy, burning them in …

Laboratory and field investigations of particulate and carbon monoxide emissions from traditional and improved cookstoves

CA Roden, TC Bond, S Conway, ABO Pinel… - Atmospheric …, 2009 - Elsevier
We implemented a program in which emission characterization is enabled through
collaborations between academic, US and international non-governmental entities that …

Improved biomass stove intervention in rural Mexico: impact on the respiratory health of women

I Romieu, H Riojas-Rodriguez… - American journal of …, 2009 - atsjournals.org
Rationale: Exposure to biomass smoke has been related to adverse health effects. In
Mexico, one household in four still cooks with biomass fuel, but there has been no …

The intensive margin of technology adoption–Experimental evidence on improved cooking stoves in rural Senegal

G Bensch, J Peters - Journal of health economics, 2015 - Elsevier
Today, almost 3 billion people in develo** countries rely on biomass as primary cooking
fuel, with profound negative implications for their well-being. Improved biomass cooking …

Biomass cookstoves: A review of technical aspects

KB Sutar, S Kohli, MR Ravi, A Ray - Renewable and Sustainable Energy …, 2015 - Elsevier
Improving the thermal as well as emissions performance of biomass cookstoves has been of
interest to researchers for a long time. Despite there being a vast literature on the subject …