Math performance and academic anxiety forms, from sociodemographic to cognitive aspects: A meta-analysis on 906,311 participants
The relationship between anxiety and mathematics has often been investigated in the
literature. Different forms of anxiety have been evaluated, with math anxiety (MA) and test …
literature. Different forms of anxiety have been evaluated, with math anxiety (MA) and test …
I can do this! The development and calibration of children's expectations for success and competence beliefs
We review work on the development of children and adolescents' expectancy and
competence beliefs for academic achievement domains across the elementary and …
competence beliefs for academic achievement domains across the elementary and …
Maths anxiety in primary and secondary school students: Gender differences, developmental changes and anxiety specificity
Maths anxiety (MA) is a debilitating negative emotional reaction towards mathematics.
However, MA research in primary and early secondary school is surprisingly sparse and …
However, MA research in primary and early secondary school is surprisingly sparse and …
Mathematics confidence, interest, and performance: Examining gender patterns and reciprocal relations
With data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998–1999,
this study explores gender-related patterns in math attitudes and achievement. Following …
this study explores gender-related patterns in math attitudes and achievement. Following …
“My questionnaire is too long!” The assessments of motivational-affective constructs with three-item and single-item measures
Because testing time in educational research is typically scarce, the use of long scales to
assess motivational-affective constructs can be problematic. The goal of the present study …
assess motivational-affective constructs can be problematic. The goal of the present study …
Men and things, women and people: a meta-analysis of sex differences in interests.
The magnitude and variability of sex differences in vocational interests were examined in the
present meta-analysis for Holland's (1959, 1997) categories (Realistic, Investigative, Artistic …
present meta-analysis for Holland's (1959, 1997) categories (Realistic, Investigative, Artistic …
[KNIHA][B] EQS structural equations program manual
PM Bentler - 1995 - mvsoft.com
Linear structural equation modeling has become an indispensable methodology for
specifying, estimating, and testing hypothesized interrelationships among a set of …
specifying, estimating, and testing hypothesized interrelationships among a set of …
[KNIHA][B] Research methods in education
L Cohen, L Manion, K Morrison - 2002 - taylorfrancis.com
This is a new edition of one of our best-selling textbooks. The authors have thoroughly
updated the fourth edition and included more text on current developments in research …
updated the fourth edition and included more text on current developments in research …
Sex/gender differences in cognitive abilities
Sex/gender differences in cognitive sciences are riddled by conflicting perspectives. At the
center of debates are clinical, social, and political perspectives. Front and center …
center of debates are clinical, social, and political perspectives. Front and center …
Students' achievement values, goal orientations, and interest: Definitions, development, and relations to achievement outcomes
Students' achievement task values, goal orientations, and interest are motivation-related
constructs which concern students' purposes and reasons for doing achievement activities …
constructs which concern students' purposes and reasons for doing achievement activities …