A comprehensive review: An innovative pedagogy for future education

T Muniandy, N Abdullah - … Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course …, 2023 - igi-global.com
Pedagogical practices with high quality could affect students positively. In recent years,
pedagogy in education is learner-centric or teacher-centric. Accordingly, different …

[PDF][PDF] Needs analysis for module development of communication skills based on learning styles for vocational college students

TT Kiong, RIA Hamid, NM Ngadiran… - Journal of Higher …, 2022 - academia.edu
The purpose of this study is to identify the needs for the development of communication skills
based on the learning style module for vocational college students. This study employed a …

Implementation of Technical Communication Pedagogy in Higher Education Institutions: A Systematic Literature Review

W Liu, KA Jamaludin, Z Song - International Journal of Learning …, 2024 - ijlter.net
One of the most significant needs in technical communication is to teach students how to
communicate complex technical information. This paper systematically reviews the literature …

Recommendation of English reading in vocational colleges using linear regression training model

H **e - Mobile information systems, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
High‐quality vocational education is a vital basis for China's efforts to develop high‐quality
teachers and technical and skilled workers. The increasing development of contemporary …

The effects of learning design on learning activities based on higher order thinking skills in vocational high schools

D Rachmawati, S Suharno, R Roemintoyo - Open Education Studies, 2023 - degruyter.com
The twenty-first century requires Vocational High School (VHS) graduates to have high-
order thinking skills (HOTS). Although HOTS-based learning in VHS has been implemented …

Systematic literature reviews of marketability and employability of graduates

NA Zakari, MZA Majid, S Sahid - International Journal of …, 2022 - knowledgewords.com
A systematic literature review on the marketability and employability of graduates is
presented in this paper. It delves into the themes that emerge from 31 papers found in …


N Aline de Souza, AB Frare… - … Evidenciação Contábil & …, 2022 - search.ebscohost.com
Objetivo: O ensino da área de negócios recebe considerável ênfase na academia e no
mercado de trabalho, visto a preocupação com a empregabilidade e busca por profissionais …

Systematic review of culturally responsive teaching and implications for technical communication education

W Liu, KA Jamaludin, MI Hamzah - Multidisciplinary Reviews, 2025 - malque.pub
Chinese vocational institutions grapple with significant challenges in inclusivity and equity,
where traditional teaching methods often ignore the diverse cultural backgrounds of …

Vocational high school students' readiness and response analysis in HOTS-Based learning: A case study in Central Java Province, Indonesia

D Rachmawati, S Suharno… - AIP Conference …, 2023 - pubs.aip.org
Globally, HOTS-based learning stimulates the students' creativity in solving problems, which
is still low in Indonesia. Students developed a habit of not asking questions when …

Pelatihan Bahasa Inggris Bermuatan Technical Communication Pedagogical Model (TCPM) Bagi Petugas Layanan Penumpang Kereta Cepat Indonesia

A Fikria, A Puspitasari, DI Pratiwi… - InEJ: Indonesian …, 2023 - jurnal.iainponorogo.ac.id
Program pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan oleh dosen Bahasa Inggris Politeknik
Perkeretaapian Indonesia kepada petugas PT Kereta Api Indonesia China (PT KCIC) …