Structure and functioning of dryland ecosystems in a changing world
Understanding how drylands respond to ongoing environmental change is extremely
important for global sustainability. In this review, we discuss how biotic attributes, climate …
important for global sustainability. In this review, we discuss how biotic attributes, climate …
Water acquisition, sharing and redistribution by roots: applications to agroforestry systems
Aims In the face of problems caused by 'intensive agriculture'dominated by large areas of
monocultures, mixed intercrop** mimicking natural ecosystems has been reported to …
monocultures, mixed intercrop** mimicking natural ecosystems has been reported to …
Targeting perennial vegetation in agricultural landscapes for enhancing ecosystem services
Over the past century, agricultural landscapes worldwide have increasingly been managed
for the primary purpose of producing food, while other diverse ecosystem services …
for the primary purpose of producing food, while other diverse ecosystem services …
[КНИГА][B] Phytoremediation in tropical agroforestry
Agroforestry has great potentials for providing numerous environmental services, including,
among others, soil conservation, land rehabilitation, ground water-table stabilization …
among others, soil conservation, land rehabilitation, ground water-table stabilization …
The magnitude of hydraulic redistribution by plant roots: a review and synthesis of empirical and modeling studies
Hydraulic redistribution (HR)–the movement of water from moist to dry soil through plant
roots–occurs worldwide within a range of different ecosystems and plant species. The …
roots–occurs worldwide within a range of different ecosystems and plant species. The …
Using data from Landsat, MODIS, VIIRS and PhenoCams to monitor the phenology of California oak/grass savanna and open grassland across spatial scales
The Mediterranean-type oak/grass savanna of California is composed of widely spaced oak
trees with understory grasses. These savanna regions are interspersed with large areas of …
trees with understory grasses. These savanna regions are interspersed with large areas of …
Walter's two-layer hypothesis revisited: back to the roots!
Abstract Walter (Jahrb Wiss Bot 87: 750–860, 1939) proposed a two-layer hypothesis, an
equilibrium explanation for coexistence of savanna trees and grasses. This hypothesis relies …
equilibrium explanation for coexistence of savanna trees and grasses. This hypothesis relies …
The influence of savanna trees on nutrient, water and light availability and the understorey vegetation
Abstract In an East African savanna herbaceous layer productivity and species composition
were studied around Acacia tortilis trees of three different age classes, as well as around …
were studied around Acacia tortilis trees of three different age classes, as well as around …
Plant interactions govern population dynamics in a semi‐arid plant community
Summary 1 The structure and composition of plant communities are influenced by positive
and negative interactions between plants, the balance of which may change in intensity and …
and negative interactions between plants, the balance of which may change in intensity and …
Hydraulic redistribution in three Amazonian trees
About half of the Amazon rainforest is subject to seasonal droughts of 3 months or more.
Despite this drought, several studies have shown that these forests, under a strongly …
Despite this drought, several studies have shown that these forests, under a strongly …