We need to talk about nonprobability samples
In most circumstances, probability sampling is the only way to ensure unbiased inference
about population quantities where a complete census is not possible. As we enter the era of …
about population quantities where a complete census is not possible. As we enter the era of …
Density declines, richness increases, and composition shifts in stream macroinvertebrates
Documenting trends of stream macroinvertebrate biodiversity is challenging because
biomonitoring often has limited spatial, temporal, and taxonomic scopes. We analyzed …
biomonitoring often has limited spatial, temporal, and taxonomic scopes. We analyzed …
A synthesis of anthropogenic stress effects on emergence-mediated aquatic-terrestrial linkages and riparian food webs
Anthropogenic stress alters the linkage between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems in
various ways. Here, we review the contemporary literature on how alterations in aquatic …
various ways. Here, we review the contemporary literature on how alterations in aquatic …
The global EPTO database: Worldwide occurrences of aquatic insects
Motivation Aquatic insects comprise 64% of freshwater animal diversity and are widely used
as bioindicators to assess water quality impairment and freshwater ecosystem health, as …
as bioindicators to assess water quality impairment and freshwater ecosystem health, as …
Assessing the conservation priority of freshwater lake sites based on taxonomic, functional and environmental uniqueness
Aim We propose a novel approach that considers taxonomic uniqueness, functional
uniqueness and environmental uniqueness and show how it can be used in guiding …
uniqueness and environmental uniqueness and show how it can be used in guiding …
Abundance trends for river macroinvertebrates vary across taxa, trophic group and river typology
There is mounting evidence that terrestrial arthropods are declining rapidly in many areas of
the world. It is unclear whether freshwater invertebrates, which are key providers of …
the world. It is unclear whether freshwater invertebrates, which are key providers of …
ROBITT: A tool for assessing the risk‐of‐bias in studies of temporal trends in ecology
Aggregated species occurrence and abundance data from disparate sources are
increasingly accessible to ecologists for the analysis of temporal trends in biodiversity …
increasingly accessible to ecologists for the analysis of temporal trends in biodiversity …
Assessing long‐term effects of artificial light at night on insects: what is missing and how to get there
Widespread and significant declines of insect population abundances and biomass are
currently one of the most pressing issues in entomology, ecology and conservation biology …
currently one of the most pressing issues in entomology, ecology and conservation biology …
Chemical mixtures and multiple stressors: same but different?
Ecosystems are strongly influenced by multiple anthropogenic stressors, including a wide
range of chemicals and their mixtures. Studies on the effects of multiple stressors have …
range of chemicals and their mixtures. Studies on the effects of multiple stressors have …
[HTML][HTML] Standardized high-throughput biomonitoring using DNA metabarcoding: Strategies for the adoption of automated liquid handlers
Reliable and comprehensive monitoring data are required to trace and counteract
biodiversity loss. High-throughput metabarcoding using DNA extracted from community …
biodiversity loss. High-throughput metabarcoding using DNA extracted from community …