A central problem in biomechanical studies of personalized human left ventricular (LV) modelling is to estimate material properties from in vivo clinical measurements. In this work …
An unresolved issue in patients with diastolic dysfunction is that the estimation of myocardial stiffness cannot be decoupled from diastolic residual active tension (AT) because of the …
Advances in medical imaging and image processing are paving the way for personalised cardiac biomechanical modelling. Models provide the capacity to relate kinematics to …
Key points• The amount of force generated by heart cells is strongly influenced by feedback from the deformation of cardiac tissue, both from the changes in cell length and the rate at …
Personalized biophysical modeling of the heart is a useful approach for noninvasively analyzing and predicting in vivo cardiac mechanics. Three main developments support this …
Identification of in vivo passive biomechanical properties of healthy human myocardium from regular clinical data is essential for subject-specific modelling of left ventricle (LV). In this …
Inverse modeling approaches in cardiovascular medicine are a collection of methodologies that can provide non-invasive patient-specific estimations of tissue properties, mechanical …