Binary -Step Markov Chains and Long-Range Correlated Systems
A theory of systems with long-range correlations based on the consideration of binary N-step
Markov chains is developed. In our model, the conditional probability that the i th symbol in …
Markov chains is developed. In our model, the conditional probability that the i th symbol in …
Lognormality in ecological time series
J Halley, P Inchausti - Oikos, 2002 - Wiley Online Library
Among ecologists, it is often believed that population abundance is lognormally distributed.
To test this hypothesis, we analysed and compared 544 annual time‐series of population …
To test this hypothesis, we analysed and compared 544 annual time‐series of population …
Phase transition in random walks with long-range correlations
Motivated by recent results in the theory of correlated sequences, we analyze the dynamics
of random walks with long-term memory (binary chains with long-range correlations). In our …
of random walks with long-term memory (binary chains with long-range correlations). In our …
Fractal Cantor patterns in the sequence structure of DNA
The coding parts of DNA sequences are regarded as clusters of connected sites of a random
Cantor-like set, while the non-coding parts are regarded as the empty regions of the same …
Cantor-like set, while the non-coding parts are regarded as the empty regions of the same …
Symbolic stochastic dynamical systems viewed as binary N-step Markov chains
A theory of systems with long-range correlations based on the consideration of binary N-step
Markov chains is developed. In the model, the conditional probability that the i th symbol in …
Markov chains is developed. In the model, the conditional probability that the i th symbol in …
Long-and short-range correlations in genome organization
We study the size distribution of coding and non-coding regions in DNA sequences. For
most organisms we observe that the size distribution P c (S) of the coding regions of size S …
most organisms we observe that the size distribution P c (S) of the coding regions of size S …
Competition between two kinds of correlations in literary texts
A theory of additive Markov chains with long-range memory is used to describe the
correlation properties of coarse-grained literary texts. The complex structure of the …
correlation properties of coarse-grained literary texts. The complex structure of the …
Alu and LINE1 distributions in the human chromosomes: evidence of global genomic organization expressed in the form of power laws
Spatial distribution and clustering of repetitive elements are extensively studied during the
last years, as well as their colocalization with other genomic components. Here we …
last years, as well as their colocalization with other genomic components. Here we …
Menzerath–Altmann law in mammalian exons reflects the dynamics of gene structure evolution
C Nikolaou - Computational Biology and Chemistry, 2014 - Elsevier
Genomic sequences exhibit self-organization properties at various hierarchical levels. One
such is the gene structure of higher eukaryotes with its complex exon/intron arrangement …
such is the gene structure of higher eukaryotes with its complex exon/intron arrangement …
Entropic fluctuations in DNA sequences
Abstract The Local Shannon Entropy (LSE) in blocks is used as a complexity measure to
study the information fluctuations along DNA sequences. The LSE of a DNA block maps the …
study the information fluctuations along DNA sequences. The LSE of a DNA block maps the …