Binary -Step Markov Chains and Long-Range Correlated Systems

OV Usatenko, VA Yampol'skii - Physical review letters, 2003 - APS
A theory of systems with long-range correlations based on the consideration of binary N-step
Markov chains is developed. In our model, the conditional probability that the i th symbol in …

Lognormality in ecological time series

J Halley, P Inchausti - Oikos, 2002 - Wiley Online Library
Among ecologists, it is often believed that population abundance is lognormally distributed.
To test this hypothesis, we analysed and compared 544 annual time‐series of population …

Phase transition in random walks with long-range correlations

S Hod, U Keshet - Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft …, 2004 - APS
Motivated by recent results in the theory of correlated sequences, we analyze the dynamics
of random walks with long-term memory (binary chains with long-range correlations). In our …

Fractal Cantor patterns in the sequence structure of DNA

A Provata, Y Almirantis - Fractals, 2000 - World Scientific
The coding parts of DNA sequences are regarded as clusters of connected sites of a random
Cantor-like set, while the non-coding parts are regarded as the empty regions of the same …

Symbolic stochastic dynamical systems viewed as binary N-step Markov chains

OV Usatenko, VA Yampol'skii, KE Kechedzhy… - Physical Review E, 2003 - APS
A theory of systems with long-range correlations based on the consideration of binary N-step
Markov chains is developed. In the model, the conditional probability that the i th symbol in …

Long-and short-range correlations in genome organization

Y Almirantis, A Provata - Journal of statistical physics, 1999 - Springer
We study the size distribution of coding and non-coding regions in DNA sequences. For
most organisms we observe that the size distribution P c (S) of the coding regions of size S …

Competition between two kinds of correlations in literary texts

SS Melnyk, OV Usatenko, VA Yampol'skii… - Physical Review E …, 2005 - APS
A theory of additive Markov chains with long-range memory is used to describe the
correlation properties of coarse-grained literary texts. The complex structure of the …

Alu and LINE1 distributions in the human chromosomes: evidence of global genomic organization expressed in the form of power laws

D Sellis, A Provata, Y Almirantis - Molecular biology and …, 2007 -
Spatial distribution and clustering of repetitive elements are extensively studied during the
last years, as well as their colocalization with other genomic components. Here we …

Menzerath–Altmann law in mammalian exons reflects the dynamics of gene structure evolution

C Nikolaou - Computational Biology and Chemistry, 2014 - Elsevier
Genomic sequences exhibit self-organization properties at various hierarchical levels. One
such is the gene structure of higher eukaryotes with its complex exon/intron arrangement …

Entropic fluctuations in DNA sequences

D Thanos, W Li, A Provata - Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its …, 2018 - Elsevier
Abstract The Local Shannon Entropy (LSE) in blocks is used as a complexity measure to
study the information fluctuations along DNA sequences. The LSE of a DNA block maps the …