Electromagnetic nanonetworks beyond 6G: From wearable and implantable networks to on-chip and quantum communication
Emerging from the symbiotic combination of nanotechnology and communications, the field
of nanonetworking has come a long way since its inception more than fifteen years ago …
of nanonetworking has come a long way since its inception more than fifteen years ago …
On-chip communication network for efficient training of deep convolutional networks on heterogeneous manycore systems
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have shown a great deal of success in diverse
application domains including computer vision, speech recognition, and natural language …
application domains including computer vision, speech recognition, and natural language …
Replica: A wireless manycore for communication-intensive and approximate data
Data access patterns that involve fine-grained sharing, multicasts, or reductions have proved
to be hard to scale in shared-memory platforms. Recently, wireless on-chip communication …
to be hard to scale in shared-memory platforms. Recently, wireless on-chip communication …
Hardware Acceleration for Knowledge Graph Processing: Challenges & Recent Developments
M Besta, R Gerstenberger, P Iff, P Sonawane… - ar** and …
Software/hardware co-design of 3D NoC-based GPU architectures for accelerated graph computations
Manycore GPU architectures have become the mainstay for accelerating graph
computations. One of the primary bottlenecks to performance of graph computations on …
computations. One of the primary bottlenecks to performance of graph computations on …
Enabling high-performance SMART NoC architectures using on-chip wireless links
Traditional network-on-chip (NoC) interconnects follow conventional packet switching
architectures that require multiple cycles to traverse each router hop. In addition, commonly …
architectures that require multiple cycles to traverse each router hop. In addition, commonly …
A reconfigurable wireless NoC for large scale microbiome community analysis
Understanding the role of competition and cooperation among multiple interacting species
of microorganisms that constitute the microbiome and decipher how they enforce …
of microorganisms that constitute the microbiome and decipher how they enforce …
C-graph: A highly efficient concurrent graph reachability query framework
Many big data analytics applications explore a set of related entities, which are naturally
modeled as graph. However, graph processing is notorious for its performance challenges …
modeled as graph. However, graph processing is notorious for its performance challenges …