Dynamics of cool flames
Cool flames play a critical role in ignition timing, burning rate, burning limits, engine
knocking, and emissions in conventional and advanced combustion engines. This paper …
knocking, and emissions in conventional and advanced combustion engines. This paper …
Understanding cool flames and warm flames
Y Ju - Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2021 - Elsevier
Low-temperature flames such as cool flames, warm flames, double flames, and auto-ignition
assisted flames play a critical role in the performance of advanced engines and fuel design …
assisted flames play a critical role in the performance of advanced engines and fuel design …
Experimental and kinetic study on the extinction characteristics of ammonia-dimethyl ether diffusion flame
J Chen, X Gou - Fuel, 2023 - Elsevier
Combustion with dimethyl ether is regarded as one of the effective means to improve the
combustion stability of ammonia gas. In-depth understanding of the combustion …
combustion stability of ammonia gas. In-depth understanding of the combustion …
Thermal and chemical effects of low-temperature chemistry on flame initiation and propagation
Large hydrocarbon fuels exhibit pronounced low-temperature chemistry (LTC) and negative
temperature coefficient (NTC) behaviors. During low-temperature combustion, a small …
temperature coefficient (NTC) behaviors. During low-temperature combustion, a small …
Numerical study of turbulent non-premixed cool flames at high and supercritical pressures: Real gas effects and dual peak structure
To study the formation of cool flames at high/supercritical pressures, adaptive mesh
refinement (AMR)-based simulations of dimethyl ether (DME)-air pesudo-turbulent reacting …
refinement (AMR)-based simulations of dimethyl ether (DME)-air pesudo-turbulent reacting …
Numerical study on the transient evolution of a premixed cool flame
Cool flame due to low-temperature chemistry (LTC) has received great attention recently.
However, previous studies mainly focused on cool flames in homogenous systems without …
However, previous studies mainly focused on cool flames in homogenous systems without …
Low-temperature reactivity, extinction, and heat release rate of non-premixed cool flame at elevated pressures
Understanding the fundamental characteristics of high-pressure cool flames is crucial for the
development of advanced and efficient low-temperature combustion engine technologies …
development of advanced and efficient low-temperature combustion engine technologies …
Pressure effects on reactivity and extinction of n-dodecane diffusion cool flame
Low-temperature combustion at high pressure has gained increasing interest owing to the
growing demand for clean and efficient propulsion and energy systems. In particular, cool …
growing demand for clean and efficient propulsion and energy systems. In particular, cool …
Kinetics and extinction of non-premixed cool and warm flames of dimethyl ether at elevated pressure
The growing demand of clean and efficient propulsion and energy systems has sparked an
interest in understanding low-temperature combustion at high pressure. Cool flame …
interest in understanding low-temperature combustion at high pressure. Cool flame …
Minimum ignition energy and propagation dynamics of laminar premixed cool flames
Q Yang, P Zhao - Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2021 - Elsevier
Laminar premixed cool flames, induced by the coupling of low-temperature chemistry and
convective-diffusive transport process, have recently attracted extensive interest in …
convective-diffusive transport process, have recently attracted extensive interest in …