Topology-oriented self-organizing maps: a survey

CA Astudillo, BJ Oommen - Pattern analysis and applications, 2014 - Springer
The self-organizing map (SOM) is a prominent neural network model that has found wide
application in a spectrum of domains. Accordingly, it has received widespread attention both …

Vector batch SOM algorithms for multi-view dissimilarity data

LMP Mariño, FAT de Carvalho - Knowledge-based systems, 2022 - Elsevier
Multi-view data has become fairly important since large amounts of information are
constantly generated from different sources. So far, most multi-view research on …

[Књига][B] Prospektywna analiza technologii-metodologia i procedury badawcze

K Halicka - 2016 -
Głównym celem naukowym monografii jest opracowanie referencyjnej metodyki
prospektywnej analizy technologii, umożliwiającej dostarczenie wiedzy na temat: cech …

[HTML][HTML] Supporting clinical COVID-19 diagnosis with routine blood tests using tree-based entropy structured self-organizing maps

V Sargiani, AA De Souza, DC De Almeida… - Applied Sciences, 2022 -
Featured Application A new algorithm that uses self-organizing maps and entropy calculus
to generate a tree structure based on XAI software principles. Abstract Data classification is …

Decision model for predicting social vulnerability using artificial intelligence

FJ Abarca-Alvarez, R Reinoso-Bellido… - … International Journal of …, 2019 -
Social vulnerability, from a socio-environmental point of view, focuses on the identification of
disadvantaged or vulnerable groups and the conditions and dynamics of the environments …

On achieving semi-supervised pattern recognition by utilizing tree-based SOMs

CA Astudillo, BJ Oommen - Pattern Recognition, 2013 - Elsevier
Years of research in the field of Pattern Recognition (PR) has led to scores of algorithms
which can achieve supervised pattern classification. Such algorithms assume the …

Challenges for a massive implementation of phenomics in plant breeding programs

GA Lobos, F Estrada, A Del Pozo… - High-Throughput Plant …, 2022 - Springer
Due to climate change and expected food shortage in the coming decades, not only will it be
necessary to develop cultivars with greater tolerance to environmental stress, but it is also …

Kernel self-optimization learning for kernel-based feature extraction and recognition

JB Li, YH Wang, SC Chu, JF Roddick - Information Sciences, 2014 - Elsevier
Kernel learning is becoming an important research topic in the area of machine learning,
and it has wide applications in pattern recognition, computer vision, image and signal …

Two weighted c-medoids batch SOM algorithms for dissimilarity data

LMP Mariño, FAT de Carvalho - Information Sciences, 2022 - Elsevier
This paper proposes two new batch SOM algorithms for dissimilarity data, namely RBSOM-
CWMdd and RBSOM-ACWMdd, both designed to give a crisp partition aiming to preserve …

Quasiconformal kernel common locality discriminant analysis with application to breast cancer diagnosis

JB Li, Y Peng, D Liu - Information Sciences, 2013 - Elsevier
Dimensionality reduction (DR) is a popular method in recognition and classification in many
areas, such as facial and medical imaging. In this paper, we propose a novel supervised DR …