Codesigning health and other public services with vulnerable and disadvantaged populations: insights from an international collaboration
Background Codesign has the potential to transform health and other public services. To
avoid unintentionally reinforcing existing inequities, better understanding is needed of how …
avoid unintentionally reinforcing existing inequities, better understanding is needed of how …
[HTML][HTML] What outcomes are associated with develo** and implementing co-produced interventions in acute healthcare settings? A rapid evidence synthesis
Background Co-production is defined as the voluntary or involuntary involvement of users in
the design, management, delivery and/or evaluation of services. Interest in co-production as …
the design, management, delivery and/or evaluation of services. Interest in co-production as …
The promise of co-design for public policy 1
E Blomkamp - Routledge handbook of policy design, 2018 - taylorfrancis.com
As a novel method for creatively engaging citizens and stakeholders to find solutions to
complex problems, co-design holds great promise for policymakers. It has been vaunted as …
complex problems, co-design holds great promise for policymakers. It has been vaunted as …
The Participatory Zeitgeist: an explanatory theoretical model of change in an era of coproduction and codesign in healthcare improvement
Healthcare systems redesign and service improvement approaches are adopting
participatory tools, techniques and mindsets. Participatory methods increasingly used in …
participatory tools, techniques and mindsets. Participatory methods increasingly used in …
A sco** review of the use of co‐design methods with culturally and linguistically diverse communities to improve or adapt mental health services
Mental health services are increasingly encouraged to use co‐design methodologies to
engage individuals and families affected by mental health problems in service design and …
engage individuals and families affected by mental health problems in service design and …
Stepped wedge cluster randomised trials: a review of the statistical methodology used and available
D Barker, P McElduff, C D'Este… - BMC medical research …, 2016 - Springer
Background Previous reviews have focussed on the rationale for employing the stepped
wedge design (SWD), the areas of research to which the design has been applied and the …
wedge design (SWD), the areas of research to which the design has been applied and the …
Using experience-based co-design with older patients, their families and staff to improve palliative care experiences in the emergency department: a reflective critique …
Background Increasing use of emergency departments among older patients with palliative
needs has led to the development of several service-level interventions intended to improve …
needs has led to the development of several service-level interventions intended to improve …
Navigating process evaluation in co-creation: a Health CASCADE sco** review of used frameworks and assessed components
GR Longworth, J De Boer, K Goh, DM Agnello… - BMJ Global …, 2024 - gh.bmj.com
Background Co-creation is seen as a way to ensure all relevant needs and perspectives are
included and to increase its potential for beneficial effects and uptake process evaluation is …
included and to increase its potential for beneficial effects and uptake process evaluation is …
[HTML][HTML] A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effectiveness of co-designed, in-person, mental health interventions for reducing anxiety and depression …
Background Co-design is recommended in mental health fields and has been associated
with improved intervention efficacy. Despite its growing popularity, syntheses of evidence on …
with improved intervention efficacy. Despite its growing popularity, syntheses of evidence on …
Mental health service changes, organisational factors, and patient suicide in England in 1997–2012: a before-and-after study
Background Research into which aspects of service provision in mental health are most
effective in preventing suicide is sparse. We examined the association between service …
effective in preventing suicide is sparse. We examined the association between service …