Towards a universal model for orogenic gold systems: A perspective based on Chinese examples with geodynamic, temporal, and deposit-scale structural and …
Although the term orogenic gold has become widely accepted over the past 20 years for
disseminated-to lode-style gold deposits that formed in a variety of tectonic environments …
disseminated-to lode-style gold deposits that formed in a variety of tectonic environments …
Giant Mesozoic gold ores derived from subducted oceanic slab and overlying sediments
Orogenic gold deposits account for more than 30% of the global gold resources. To
understand the genesis of orogenic gold deposits and ultimately target new orogenic gold …
understand the genesis of orogenic gold deposits and ultimately target new orogenic gold …
Uncovering and quantifying the subduction zone sulfur cycle from the slab perspective
Sulfur belongs among H2O, CO2, and Cl as one of the key volatiles in Earth's chemical
cycles. High oxygen fugacity, sulfur concentration, and δ34S values in volcanic arc rocks …
cycles. High oxygen fugacity, sulfur concentration, and δ34S values in volcanic arc rocks …
Copper isotope evidence for sulfide fractionation and lower crustal foundering in making continental crust
The continental crust is strongly depleted in copper compared with its building blocks—
primary arc magmas—and this depletion is intrinsically associated with continental crust …
primary arc magmas—and this depletion is intrinsically associated with continental crust …
[HTML][HTML] Genesis of orogenic gold systems in the Daduhe belt: Evidence of long-lived fertile mantle lithosphere as a source of diverse metallogeny on the western …
The poorly documented Daduhe gold belt on the western margin of the Yangtze Craton, an
important metallogenic belt in southwest China, is characterized by typical orogenic gold …
important metallogenic belt in southwest China, is characterized by typical orogenic gold …
Sulfide-bearing cumulates in deep continental arcs: The missing copper reservoir
Resolving the geochemical discrepancies between the bulk continental crust and its
building blocks, basaltic arc magmas, can provide insights into the processes by which the …
building blocks, basaltic arc magmas, can provide insights into the processes by which the …
Heavy copper isotopes in arc‐related lavas from cold subduction zones uncover a sub‐arc mantle metasomatized by serpentinite‐derived sulfate‐rich fluids
Serpentinite dehydration during subduction releases fluids into the sub‐arc mantle, yet the
oxidizing capability of these fluids remains controversial. Here, redox‐sensitive Cu isotopes …
oxidizing capability of these fluids remains controversial. Here, redox‐sensitive Cu isotopes …
Isotopic compositions of sulfides in exhumed high‐pressure terranes: implications for sulfur cycling in subduction zones
Subduction is a key component of Earth's long‐term sulfur cycle; however, the mechanisms
that drive sulfur from subducting slabs remain elusive. Isotopes are a sensitive indicator of …
that drive sulfur from subducting slabs remain elusive. Isotopes are a sensitive indicator of …
Progressive spatial and temporal evolution of tectonic triggers and metasomatized mantle lithosphere sources for orogenic gold mineralization in a Triassic …
Whether orogenic gold deposits formed from crustal or subcrustal sources is debated, and
their link to orogenic processes is ambiguous. Gold mineralization in the Triassic East …
their link to orogenic processes is ambiguous. Gold mineralization in the Triassic East …
[HTML][HTML] Sulfur from the subducted slab dominates the sulfur budget of the mantle wedge under volcanic arcs
Sulfur is of a crucial importance in the Earth system influencing biological, climate, ore-
forming, and redox processes. Subduction zones play a key role in the global sulfur cycle …
forming, and redox processes. Subduction zones play a key role in the global sulfur cycle …