[PDF][PDF] The suitesparse matrix collection website interface

SP Kolodziej, M Aznaveh, M Bullock, J David… - Journal of Open …, 2019 - joss.theoj.org
Summary The SuiteSparse Matrix Collection (formerly known as the University of Florida
Sparse Matrix Collection)(Davis & Hu, 2011) has grown significantly since its introduction …

A literature review on correlation clustering: cross-disciplinary taxonomy with bibliometric analysis

DF Wahid, E Hassini - Operations Research Forum, 2022 - Springer
The correlation clustering problem identifies clusters in a set of objects when the qualitative
information about objects' mutual similarities or dissimilarities is given in a signed network …

Parameterized correlation clustering in hypergraphs and bipartite graphs

N Veldt, A Wirth, DF Gleich - Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGKDD …, 2020 - dl.acm.org
Motivated by applications in community detection and dense subgraph discovery, we
consider new clustering objectives in hypergraphs and bipartite graphs. These objectives …

Metric nearness made practical

W Li, F Yu, Z Ma - Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial …, 2023 - ojs.aaai.org
Given a square matrix with noisy dissimilarity measures between pairs of data samples, the
metric nearness model computes the best approximation of the matrix from a set of valid …

Faster approximation algorithms for parameterized graph clustering and edge labeling

V Bengali, N Veldt - Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International …, 2023 - dl.acm.org
Graph clustering is a fundamental task in network analysis where the goal is to detect sets of
nodes that are well-connected to each other but sparsely connected to the rest of the graph …

Memory-efficient approximation algorithms for max-k-cut and correlation clustering

N Shinde, V Narayanan… - Advances in Neural …, 2021 - proceedings.neurips.cc
Max-k-Cut and correlation clustering are fundamental graph partitioning problems. For a
graph $ G=(V, E) $ with $ n $ vertices, the methods with the best approximation guarantees …

Learning resolution parameters for graph clustering

N Veldt, D Gleich, A Wirth - The World Wide Web Conference, 2019 - dl.acm.org
Finding clusters of well-connected nodes in a graph is an extensively studied problem in
graph-based data analysis. Because of its many applications, a large number of distinct …

Project and forget: solving large-scale metric constrained problems

R Sonthalia, AC Gilbert - Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2022 - jmlr.org
Many important machine learning problems can be formulated as highly constrained convex
optimization problems. One important example is metric constrained problems. In this paper …

A parallel projection method for metric constrained optimization

C Ruggles, N Veldt, DF Gleich - 2020 Proceedings of the SIAM Workshop on …, 2020 - SIAM
Many clustering applications in machine learning and data mining rely on solving metric-
constrained optimization problems. These problems are characterized by O (n 3) constraints …