How volcanoes work: A 25 year perspective

KV Cashman, RSJ Sparks - Bulletin, 2013 -
Over the past 25 years, our understanding of the physical processes that drive volcanic
eruptions has increased enormously thanks to major advances in computational and …

Hydrothermal evolution of the El Teniente deposit, Chile: Porphyry Cu-Mo ore deposition from low-salinity magmatic fluids

LM Klemm, T Pettke, CA Heinrich… - Economic …, 2007 -
The magmatic-hydrothermal evolution of the El Teniente porphyry Cu-Mo deposit in the
Central Andes in Chile is reconstructed based on field relationships, scanning electron …

Why large porphyry Cu deposits like high Sr/Y magmas?

M Chiaradia, A Ulianov, K Kouzmanov, B Beate - Scientific reports, 2012 -
Porphyry systems supply most copper and significant gold to our economy. Recent studies
indicate that they are frequently associated with high Sr/Y magmatic rocks, but the meaning …

Iron and lithium isotope systematics of the Hekla volcano, Iceland—evidence for Fe isotope fractionation during magma differentiation

JA Schuessler, R Schoenberg, O Sigmarsson - Chemical Geology, 2009 - Elsevier
In this study potential iron isotope fractionation by magmatic processes in the Earth's crust
was systematically investigated. High precision iron isotope analyses by MC-ICP-MS were …

A case for CO2-rich arc magmas

J Blundy, KV Cashman, A Rust, F Witham - Earth and Planetary Science …, 2010 - Elsevier
Gas loss from ascending magma controls the chemical and physical evolution of volcanic
systems. Melt inclusions trapped in volcanic phenocrysts contain snapshots of volatile …

Rapid decompression-driven crystallization recorded by melt inclusions from Mount St. Helens volcano

J Blundy, K Cashman - Geology, 2005 -
Crystals in hydrous magmas can form in response to falling temperature (magma cooling) or
degassing (magma decompression). It remains unclear which process dominates beneath …

Li isotope fractionation in peridotites and mafic melts

AB Jeffcoate, T Elliott, SA Kasemann, D Ionov… - … et Cosmochimica Acta, 2007 - Elsevier
We have measured the Li isotope ratios of a range of co-existing phases from peridotites
and mafic magmas to investigate high-temperature fractionations of 7Li/6Li. The Li isotopic …

Petrological cannibalism: the chemical and textural consequences of incremental magma body growth

K Cashman, J Blundy - Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 2013 - Springer
The textures of minerals in volcanic and plutonic rocks testify to a complexity of processes in
their formation that is at odds with simple geochemical models of igneous differentiation …

Breadcrust bombs as indicators of Vulcanian eruption dynamics at Guagua Pichincha volcano, Ecuador

HMN Wright, KV Cashman, M Rosi, R Cioni - Bulletin of Volcanology, 2007 - Springer
Vulcanian eruptions are common at many volcanoes around the world. Vulcanian activity
occurs as either isolated sequences of eruptions or as precursors to sustained explosive …