How volcanoes work: A 25 year perspective
KV Cashman, RSJ Sparks - Bulletin, 2013 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Over the past 25 years, our understanding of the physical processes that drive volcanic
eruptions has increased enormously thanks to major advances in computational and …
eruptions has increased enormously thanks to major advances in computational and …
Hydrothermal evolution of the El Teniente deposit, Chile: Porphyry Cu-Mo ore deposition from low-salinity magmatic fluids
The magmatic-hydrothermal evolution of the El Teniente porphyry Cu-Mo deposit in the
Central Andes in Chile is reconstructed based on field relationships, scanning electron …
Central Andes in Chile is reconstructed based on field relationships, scanning electron …
Why large porphyry Cu deposits like high Sr/Y magmas?
Porphyry systems supply most copper and significant gold to our economy. Recent studies
indicate that they are frequently associated with high Sr/Y magmatic rocks, but the meaning …
indicate that they are frequently associated with high Sr/Y magmatic rocks, but the meaning …
Iron and lithium isotope systematics of the Hekla volcano, Iceland—evidence for Fe isotope fractionation during magma differentiation
In this study potential iron isotope fractionation by magmatic processes in the Earth's crust
was systematically investigated. High precision iron isotope analyses by MC-ICP-MS were …
was systematically investigated. High precision iron isotope analyses by MC-ICP-MS were …
A case for CO2-rich arc magmas
Gas loss from ascending magma controls the chemical and physical evolution of volcanic
systems. Melt inclusions trapped in volcanic phenocrysts contain snapshots of volatile …
systems. Melt inclusions trapped in volcanic phenocrysts contain snapshots of volatile …
Rapid decompression-driven crystallization recorded by melt inclusions from Mount St. Helens volcano
J Blundy, K Cashman - Geology, 2005 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Crystals in hydrous magmas can form in response to falling temperature (magma cooling) or
degassing (magma decompression). It remains unclear which process dominates beneath …
degassing (magma decompression). It remains unclear which process dominates beneath …
Li isotope fractionation in peridotites and mafic melts
We have measured the Li isotope ratios of a range of co-existing phases from peridotites
and mafic magmas to investigate high-temperature fractionations of 7Li/6Li. The Li isotopic …
and mafic magmas to investigate high-temperature fractionations of 7Li/6Li. The Li isotopic …
Petrological cannibalism: the chemical and textural consequences of incremental magma body growth
K Cashman, J Blundy - Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 2013 - Springer
The textures of minerals in volcanic and plutonic rocks testify to a complexity of processes in
their formation that is at odds with simple geochemical models of igneous differentiation …
their formation that is at odds with simple geochemical models of igneous differentiation …
Fluid-melt trace-element partitioning behaviour between evolved melts and aqueous fluids: Experimental constraints on the magmatic-hydrothermal transport of …
The fluid-melt partition coefficients of ten trace metals (Li, Mn, Cu, Zn, Rb, Sr, Mo, W, and Pb,
along with K) between hydrous evolved melts and coexisting Cl-bearing fluid (s) have been …
along with K) between hydrous evolved melts and coexisting Cl-bearing fluid (s) have been …
Breadcrust bombs as indicators of Vulcanian eruption dynamics at Guagua Pichincha volcano, Ecuador
Vulcanian eruptions are common at many volcanoes around the world. Vulcanian activity
occurs as either isolated sequences of eruptions or as precursors to sustained explosive …
occurs as either isolated sequences of eruptions or as precursors to sustained explosive …