Perancangan Sistem Informasi Inventory Barang Berbasis Web Menggunakan Metode Agile Software Development
Inventory adalah semua barang yang dimiliki perusahaan pada waktu tertentu, bertujuan
untuk dijual kembali atau digunakan dalam siklus operasional perusahaan sebagaimana …
untuk dijual kembali atau digunakan dalam siklus operasional perusahaan sebagaimana …
Perancangan Dan Implementasi Sistem Informasi Absensi Berbasis Web Menggunakan Metode Agile Software Development
Absensi merupakan daftar kehadiran seseorang yang dicatat dalam sebuah dokumen.
Sistem pencatatan absensi pegawai di DISPERDAGKOPUMK Kab. Kampar masih belum …
Sistem pencatatan absensi pegawai di DISPERDAGKOPUMK Kab. Kampar masih belum …
Analysis of new business opportunities from online informal education mediamorphosis through digital platforms
The existence of digital and online-based technologies has aided in societal upheaval. This
also altered the dynamics of the education industry, allowing it to influence the growth of …
also altered the dynamics of the education industry, allowing it to influence the growth of …
The evolution of financial technology in Indonesia
Financial technology has its origins in industrialized nations with well-established
infrastructure, cutting-edge technology, and a more digitally-oriented populace. Fintech has …
infrastructure, cutting-edge technology, and a more digitally-oriented populace. Fintech has …
Blockchain innovation: Current and future viewpoints for the travel industry
Disintermediation of the travel industry in the modern area has the most powerful and
successful innovation, obviously with the assistance of Blockchain innovation. The market …
successful innovation, obviously with the assistance of Blockchain innovation. The market …
Blockchain technology immutability framework design in e-government
This study was conducted to determine the capacity of Blokchain technology in recording
transactions that occurred in the ledger and in general it also offer the government to be …
transactions that occurred in the ledger and in general it also offer the government to be …
The management innovation of kuliah kerja praktek (kkp)
This study aims to provide innovation management for inputting practical work titles online
based on Laravel. The rapid development of the positive number of Covid-19 has made the …
based on Laravel. The rapid development of the positive number of Covid-19 has made the …
Smart contract-based gamification scheme for college in higher education
Abstract The Financial Scheme that plays an important role in hel** students is the
Gamification Scholarship Scheme. The Gamification scholarship scheme helps human life in …
Gamification Scholarship Scheme. The Gamification scholarship scheme helps human life in …
Blockchain teaching simulation using gamification
H Latifah, Z Fauziah - Aptisi Transactions on Technopreneurship (ATT …, 2022 -
A public blockchain simulation, which bears some resemblance to Bitcoin. All players are
interconnected with several possibilities to form coin and block transactions and the power …
interconnected with several possibilities to form coin and block transactions and the power …
Application of building workers services in facing industrial revolution 4.0
I Amsyar, E Cristhopher, U Rahardja… - Aptisi Transactions on …, 2021 -
The services of skilled construction workers are only known around them in the sense that
they are not yet widespread in the community, therefore an application is needed that can …
they are not yet widespread in the community, therefore an application is needed that can …