[HTML][HTML] Lung adenocarcinoma tumor origin: a guide for personalized medicine
Simple Summary Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related death worldwide, with
an average 5-year survival rate of approximately 15%. Among the multiple histological type …
an average 5-year survival rate of approximately 15%. Among the multiple histological type …
Development of the lung
To fulfill the task of gas exchange, the lung possesses a huge inner surface and a tree-like
system of conducting airways ventilating the gas exchange area. During lung development …
system of conducting airways ventilating the gas exchange area. During lung development …
[HTML][HTML] Human lung stem cell-based alveolospheres provide insights into SARS-CoV-2-mediated interferon responses and pneumocyte dysfunction
Coronavirus infection causes diffuse alveolar damage leading to acute respiratory distress
syndrome. The absence of ex vivo models of human alveolar epithelium is hindering an …
syndrome. The absence of ex vivo models of human alveolar epithelium is hindering an …
The single-cell transcriptional landscape of mammalian organogenesis
Mammalian organogenesis is a remarkable process. Within a short timeframe, the cells of
the three germ layers transform into an embryo that includes most of the major internal and …
the three germ layers transform into an embryo that includes most of the major internal and …
Endothelial AHR activity prevents lung barrier disruption in viral infection
Disruption of the lung endothelial–epithelial cell barrier following respiratory virus infection
causes cell and fluid accumulation in the air spaces and compromises vital gas exchange …
causes cell and fluid accumulation in the air spaces and compromises vital gas exchange …
Single-cell analysis of somatic mutations in human bronchial epithelial cells in relation to aging and smoking
Although lung cancer risk among smokers is dependent on smoking dose, it remains
unknown if this increased risk reflects an increased rate of somatic mutation accumulation in …
unknown if this increased risk reflects an increased rate of somatic mutation accumulation in …
Organoids—preclinical models of human disease
Organoids—Preclinical Models of Disease An organoid is a three-dimensional construct
composed of multiple cell types that originates from stem cells through self-organization and …
composed of multiple cell types that originates from stem cells through self-organization and …
Non-small-cell lung cancers: a heterogeneous set of diseases
Non-small-cell lung cancers (NSCLCs), the most common lung cancers, are known to have
diverse pathological features. During the past decade, in-depth analyses of lung cancer …
diverse pathological features. During the past decade, in-depth analyses of lung cancer …
Lung organoids: current uses and future promise
Lungs are composed of a system of highly branched tubes that bring air into the alveoli,
where gas exchange takes place. The proximal and distal regions of the lung contain …
where gas exchange takes place. The proximal and distal regions of the lung contain …
Alveolar progenitor and stem cells in lung development, renewal and cancer
Alveoli are gas-exchange sacs lined by squamous alveolar type (AT) 1 cells and cuboidal,
surfactant-secreting AT2 cells. Classical studies suggested that AT1 arise from AT2 cells, but …
surfactant-secreting AT2 cells. Classical studies suggested that AT1 arise from AT2 cells, but …