[HTML][HTML] Impacts of nutrient enrichment on coral reefs: new perspectives and implications for coastal management and reef survival
Highlights•Nutrient enrichment negatively affects coral physiology and ecosystem
functioning.•Integrative model of reef survival in dependence of direct and indirect nutrient …
functioning.•Integrative model of reef survival in dependence of direct and indirect nutrient …
The engine of the reef: photobiology of the coral–algal symbiosis
MS Roth - Frontiers in microbiology, 2014 - frontiersin.org
Coral reef ecosystems thrive in tropical oligotrophic oceans because of the relationship
between corals and endosymbiotic dinoflagellate algae called Symbiodinium …
between corals and endosymbiotic dinoflagellate algae called Symbiodinium …
Reef-building corals farm and feed on their photosynthetic symbionts
Coral reefs are highly diverse ecosystems that thrive in nutrient-poor waters, a phenomenon
frequently referred to as the Darwin paradox. The energy demand of coral animal hosts can …
frequently referred to as the Darwin paradox. The energy demand of coral animal hosts can …
Light, temperature, photosynthesis, heterotrophy, and the lower depth limits of mesophotic coral ecosystems
The attenuation of light with increasing depth, along with reduced exposure to wave stress,
plays an important role in vertically structuring coral reef communities. Benthic …
plays an important role in vertically structuring coral reef communities. Benthic …
CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome editing in a reef-building coral
Reef-building corals are critically important species that are threatened by anthropogenic
stresses including climate change. In attempts to understand corals' responses to stress and …
stresses including climate change. In attempts to understand corals' responses to stress and …
Corals from the Persian/Arabian Gulf as models for thermotolerant reef-builders: prevalence of clade C3 Symbiodinium, host fluorescence and ex situ temperature …
Abstract Corals in the Arabian/Persian Gulf endure summer temperatures of up to 36° C,
making them ideal subjects to study the mechanisms underlying thermal tolerance …
making them ideal subjects to study the mechanisms underlying thermal tolerance …
Effects of cold stress and heat stress on coral fluorescence in reef-building corals
Widespread temperature stress has caused catastrophic coral bleaching events that have
been devastating for coral reefs. Here, we evaluate whether coral fluorescence could be …
been devastating for coral reefs. Here, we evaluate whether coral fluorescence could be …
Synergies between local and climate-driven impacts on coral reefs in the Tropical Pacific: A review of issues and adaptation opportunities
Coral reefs in the tropical Pacific region are exposed to a range of anthropogenic local
pressures. Climate change is exacerbating local impacts, causing unprecedented declines …
pressures. Climate change is exacerbating local impacts, causing unprecedented declines …
[HTML][HTML] Optical feedback loop involving dinoflagellate symbiont and scleractinian host drives colorful coral bleaching
Coral bleaching, caused by the loss of brownish-colored dinoflagellate photosymbionts from
the host tissue of reef-building corals, is a major threat to reef survival. Occasionally …
the host tissue of reef-building corals, is a major threat to reef survival. Occasionally …
[HTML][HTML] Artificial light at night (ALAN) disrupts behavioural patterns of reef corals
Abstract Increasing levels of Artificial Light At Night (ALAN) alter the natural diel cycles of
organisms at global scale. ALAN constitutes a potential threat to the light-dependent …
organisms at global scale. ALAN constitutes a potential threat to the light-dependent …