Density‐dependent effects on salmonid populations: A review

GD Grossman, TN Simon - Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
We reviewed 199 published data sets (21 species) to assess the relative frequency of
various density‐dependent processes in salmonids. We examined studies for the presence …

How does habitat restoration influence resilience of salmon populations to climate change?

TJ Beechie, C Fogel, C Nicol, J Jorgensen… - …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
A pressing question for managing recovery of depressed or declining species is: Can habitat
restoration increase resilience to climate change? We addressed this question for salmon …

CDMeta POP: an individual-based, eco-evolutionary model for spatially explicit simulation of landscape demogenetics.

EL Landguth, A Bearlin, CC Day… - Methods in Ecology …, 2017 -
Combining landscape demographic and genetics models offers powerful methods for
addressing questions for eco-evolutionary applications., Using two illustrative examples, we …

Marine and freshwater regime changes impact a community of migratory Pacific salmonids in decline

KL Wilson, CJ Bailey, TD Davies… - Global Change …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Marine and freshwater ecosystems are increasingly at risk of large and cascading changes
from multiple human activities (termed “regime shifts”), which can impact population …

An integrated population model for estimating the relative effects of natural and anthropogenic factors on a threatened population of steelhead trout

MD Scheuerell, CP Ruff, JH Anderson… - Journal of Applied …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Assessing the degree to which at‐risk species are regulated by density‐dependent versus
density‐independent factors is often complicated by incomplete or biased information. If not …

The role of spatial structure in at‐risk metapopulation recoveries

KL Wilson, AC Sawyer, A Potapova… - Ecological …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Metapopulations are often managed as a single contiguous population despite the spatial
structure underlying their local and regional dynamics. Disturbances from human activities …

Ecosystem indicators of marine survival in Puget Sound steelhead trout

KL Sobocinski, NW Kendall, CM Greene… - Progress in …, 2020 - Elsevier
Understanding ecosystem drivers of fish stock performance is essential to improving
conservation and management. We used a hypothesis-driven approach to identify potential …

The roles of extrinsic and intrinsic factors in the freshwater life‐history dynamics of a migratory salmonid

CJ Bailey, DC Braun, D McCubbing, JD Reynolds… - …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Key life‐cycle transitions, such as metamorphosis or migration, can be altered by a variety of
external factors, such as climate variation, strong species interactions, and management …

Resource pulses increase the diversity of successful competitors in a multi‐species stream fish assemblage

CJ Bailey, JW Moore - Ecosphere, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Food resources are often patchily distributed through space and time and are classified as
resource pulses when hyperabundant. Resource pulses can benefit growth, reproduction …