[PDF][PDF] Determinants of e-commerce customer satisfaction, trust, and loyalty in Saudi Arabia

MI Eid - Journal of electronic commerce research, 2011 - academia.edu
Managing customer trust, satisfaction, and loyalty attitudes of e-commerce services is very
important for the long-term growth of many businesses. Previous research has shown that e …

[HTML][HTML] Sustainably sustaining (online) fashion consumption: Using influencers to promote sustainable (un) planned behaviour in Europe's millennials

L Johnstone, C Lindh - Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2022 - Elsevier
This study explores if, how and through what channels millennials' sustainability values
translate into action when it comes to fashion garments. By testing a research model on 448 …

Disruptive technology and AI in the banking industry of an emerging market

AP Omoge, P Gala, A Horky - International Journal of Bank Marketing, 2022 - emerald.com
Purpose As disruptive technologies, such as the use of artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled
customer relationship management (CRM) systems, alter the processes and strategies that …

Trust among supply chain partners: a review

G Tejpal, RK Garg, A Sachdeva - Measuring Business Excellence, 2013 - emerald.com
The primary purpose of this paper is to develop a context‐dependent, multi‐perspective and
multilevel concept called “trust” among supply chain members (SCM); second, to classify …

E-retailing ethics and its impact on customer satisfaction and repurchase intention: a cultural and commitment-trust theory perspective

I Elbeltagi, G Agag - Internet Research, 2016 - emerald.com
Purpose–The theoretical understanding of online shop** behaviour has received much
attention. Less focus has been given to online retailing ethics. Therefore, the purpose of this …

Analysing online purchase intention in Spain: fashion e-commerce

T Escobar-Rodríguez, R Bonsón-Fernández - Information Systems and e …, 2017 - Springer
The importance of e-commerce continues to grow in retail, providing companies with a tool
to improve commercial and marketing strategies. In this context, understanding this …

The role of religious norms, trust, importance of attributes and information sources in the relationship between religiosity and selection of the Islamic bank

H Usman, P Tjiptoherijanto, TE Balqiah… - Journal of Islamic …, 2017 - emerald.com
Purpose This paper aims to examine the assumption used in previous studies that all
Muslims adopt and believe the same law on the prohibition of bank interest and to …

Explaining internet banking behavior: theory of reasoned action, theory of planned behavior, or technology acceptance model?

SY Yousafzai, GR Foxall… - Journal of applied social …, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
A key objective of information technology (IT) research is to assess the value of technology
for users and to understand the factors that determine this value in order to deploy IT …

Perceived e‐service quality (PeSQ) measurement validation and effects on consumer satisfaction and web site loyalty

E Cristobal, C Flavian, M Guinaliu - Managing service quality: An …, 2007 - emerald.com
Purpose–The objectives of this article are to develop a multiple‐item scale for measuring e‐
service quality and to study the influence of perceived quality on consumer satisfaction …

Consumer trust, perceived security and privacy policy: three basic elements of loyalty to a web site

C Flavián, M Guinalíu - Industrial management & data Systems, 2006 - emerald.com
Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effect of privacy and perceived security
on the level of trust shown by the consumer in the internet. It also aims to reveal and test the …