Social determinants and health behaviors: conceptual frames and empirical advances
SE Short, S Mollborn - Current opinion in psychology, 2015 - Elsevier
Highlights•Health behaviors reflect interplay between people and contextual factors.•'Social
determinants' include societal institutions, ideologies, and inequalities.•Health behaviors …
determinants' include societal institutions, ideologies, and inequalities.•Health behaviors …
Race, ethnicity, and the changing context of childbearing in the United States
In what ways do childbearing patterns in the contemporary United States vary for white,
black, and Hispanic women? Why do these differences exist? Although completed family …
black, and Hispanic women? Why do these differences exist? Although completed family …
Model uncertainty and robustness: A computational framework for multimodel analysis
C Young, K Holsteen - Sociological Methods & Research, 2017 - journals.sagepub.com
Model uncertainty is pervasive in social science. A key question is how robust empirical
results are to sensible changes in model specification. We present a new approach and …
results are to sensible changes in model specification. We present a new approach and …
The effect (s) of teen pregnancy: Reconciling theory, methods, and findings
Although teenage mothers have lower educational attainment and earnings than women
who delay fertility, causal interpretations of this relationship remain controversial. Scholars …
who delay fertility, causal interpretations of this relationship remain controversial. Scholars …
Long-term consequences of adolescent parenthood among African-American urban youth: A propensity score matching approach
Purpose The aim of this study was to improve understanding of long-term socioeconomic
consequences of teen parenting for men and women. Methods Analysis is based on the …
consequences of teen parenting for men and women. Methods Analysis is based on the …
Teenagers in the United States: sexual activity, contraceptive use, and childbearing, 2015-2019
JC Abma, G Martinez - 2023 - stacks.cdc.gov
Objective—This report presents national estimates of sexual activity and contraceptive use
among males and females ages 15–19 in the United States, based on data from the …
among males and females ages 15–19 in the United States, based on data from the …
Teenage mothers today: what we know and how it matters
S Mollborn - Child development perspectives, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Over the past two decades, births to US teenagers have fallen and no longer follow overall
fertility patterns. Yet the unique challenges faced by teenage mothers and their families …
fertility patterns. Yet the unique challenges faced by teenage mothers and their families …
Race/ethnicity, maternal educational attainment, and infant mortality in the United States
This study examines patterns of and explanations for racial/ethnic-education disparities in
infant mortality in the United States. Using linked birth and death data (2007–2010), we find …
infant mortality in the United States. Using linked birth and death data (2007–2010), we find …
Prevalence and risk factors for early motherhood among low-income, maltreated, and foster youth
Early childbearing is associated with a host of educational and economic disruptions for
teenage girls and increased risk of adverse outcomes for their children. Low-income …
teenage girls and increased risk of adverse outcomes for their children. Low-income …
Expanded Contraceptive Access Linked To Increase In College Completion Among Women In Colorado: Study examines the link between expanded contraceptive …
Public subsidies for contraception are often justified by assertions regarding their benefits for
women's lives, yet there is limited contemporary evidence supporting these assertions …
women's lives, yet there is limited contemporary evidence supporting these assertions …