Sustaining oak forests in eastern North America: regeneration and recruitment, the pillars of sustainability

DC Dey - Forest Science, 2014 -
Oak cover types comprise half of the forestlands in the eastern United States. There is a
great desire to sustain these highly valued forests. Unfortunately, reports of the successional …

Silviculture to restore oak savannas and woodlands

DC Dey, JM Kabrick, CJ Schweitzer - Journal of Forestry, 2017 -
Variability in historic fire regimes in eastern North America resulted in an array of oak natural
communities that were dominant across the region. In the past century, savannas and …

[CARTE][B] The ecology and silviculture of oaks

PS Johnson, SR Shifley, R Rogers, DC Dey… - 2019 -
The third edition of The Ecology and Silviculture of Oaks is an updated and expanded
edition that explores oak forests as responsive ecosystems. New chapters emphasize the …

Multiple interacting ecosystem drivers: toward an encompassing hypothesis of oak forest dynamics across eastern North America

RW McEwan, JM Dyer, N Pederson - Ecography, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Many forests of eastern North American are undergoing a species composition shift in which
maples (Acer spp.) are increasingly important while oak (Quercus spp.) regeneration and …

Multiscale perspectives of fire, climate and humans in western North America and the Jemez Mountains, USA

TW Swetnam, J Farella, CI Roos… - … of the Royal …, 2016 -
Interannual climate variations have been important drivers of wildfire occurrence in
ponderosa pine forests across western North America for at least 400 years, but at finer …

Effects of repeated prescribed fires on the structure, composition, and regeneration of mixed-oak forests in Ohio

TF Hutchinson, EK Sutherland, DA Yaussy - Forest Ecology and …, 2005 - Elsevier
This study quantifies prescribed fire effects at four sites in southern Ohio, from 1995 to 2002.
Each site had three treatment units: an unburned control, a unit burned 2×(1996 and 1999) …

The legacy of episodic climatic events in sha** temperate, broadleaf forests

N Pederson, JM Dyer, RW McEwan… - Ecological …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
In humid, broadleaf‐dominated forests where gap dynamics and partial canopy mortality
appears to dominate the disturbance regime at local scales, paleoecological evidence …

Assessing bee (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) diversity of an Illinois restored tallgrass prairie: methodology and conservation considerations

RK Geroff, J Gibbs, KW McCravy - Journal of insect conservation, 2014 - Springer
Bee species diversity and the effectiveness of four sampling methods were investigated in a
west-central Illinois restored tallgrass prairie. Bees were sampled using malaise traps …

The fire-oak literature of eastern North America: synthesis and guidelines

PD Brose, DC Dey, TA Waldrop - 2014 -
Guidelines for using prescribed fire to regenerate and restore upland oak forests,
woodlands, and savannas in eastern North America were developed by synthesizing the …

Fire history, related to climate and land use in three southern Appalachian landscapes in the eastern United States

WT Flatley, CW Lafon, HD Grissino-Mayer… - Ecological …, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Fire‐maintained ecosystems and associated species are becoming increasingly rare in the
southern Appalachian Mountains because of fire suppression policies implemented in the …