Sustaining oak forests in eastern North America: regeneration and recruitment, the pillars of sustainability
DC Dey - Forest Science, 2014 - academic.oup.com
Oak cover types comprise half of the forestlands in the eastern United States. There is a
great desire to sustain these highly valued forests. Unfortunately, reports of the successional …
great desire to sustain these highly valued forests. Unfortunately, reports of the successional …
Silviculture to restore oak savannas and woodlands
Variability in historic fire regimes in eastern North America resulted in an array of oak natural
communities that were dominant across the region. In the past century, savannas and …
communities that were dominant across the region. In the past century, savannas and …
[CARTE][B] The ecology and silviculture of oaks
PS Johnson, SR Shifley, R Rogers, DC Dey… - 2019 - books.google.com
The third edition of The Ecology and Silviculture of Oaks is an updated and expanded
edition that explores oak forests as responsive ecosystems. New chapters emphasize the …
edition that explores oak forests as responsive ecosystems. New chapters emphasize the …
Multiple interacting ecosystem drivers: toward an encompassing hypothesis of oak forest dynamics across eastern North America
Many forests of eastern North American are undergoing a species composition shift in which
maples (Acer spp.) are increasingly important while oak (Quercus spp.) regeneration and …
maples (Acer spp.) are increasingly important while oak (Quercus spp.) regeneration and …
Multiscale perspectives of fire, climate and humans in western North America and the Jemez Mountains, USA
Interannual climate variations have been important drivers of wildfire occurrence in
ponderosa pine forests across western North America for at least 400 years, but at finer …
ponderosa pine forests across western North America for at least 400 years, but at finer …
Effects of repeated prescribed fires on the structure, composition, and regeneration of mixed-oak forests in Ohio
This study quantifies prescribed fire effects at four sites in southern Ohio, from 1995 to 2002.
Each site had three treatment units: an unburned control, a unit burned 2×(1996 and 1999) …
Each site had three treatment units: an unburned control, a unit burned 2×(1996 and 1999) …
The legacy of episodic climatic events in sha** temperate, broadleaf forests
In humid, broadleaf‐dominated forests where gap dynamics and partial canopy mortality
appears to dominate the disturbance regime at local scales, paleoecological evidence …
appears to dominate the disturbance regime at local scales, paleoecological evidence …
Assessing bee (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) diversity of an Illinois restored tallgrass prairie: methodology and conservation considerations
RK Geroff, J Gibbs, KW McCravy - Journal of insect conservation, 2014 - Springer
Bee species diversity and the effectiveness of four sampling methods were investigated in a
west-central Illinois restored tallgrass prairie. Bees were sampled using malaise traps …
west-central Illinois restored tallgrass prairie. Bees were sampled using malaise traps …
The fire-oak literature of eastern North America: synthesis and guidelines
PD Brose, DC Dey, TA Waldrop - 2014 - digitalcommons.unl.edu
Guidelines for using prescribed fire to regenerate and restore upland oak forests,
woodlands, and savannas in eastern North America were developed by synthesizing the …
woodlands, and savannas in eastern North America were developed by synthesizing the …
Fire history, related to climate and land use in three southern Appalachian landscapes in the eastern United States
Fire‐maintained ecosystems and associated species are becoming increasingly rare in the
southern Appalachian Mountains because of fire suppression policies implemented in the …
southern Appalachian Mountains because of fire suppression policies implemented in the …