Design and Evaluation of Privacy-Preserving Protocols for Agent-Facilitated Mobile Money Services in Kenya
Mobile Money (MoMo), a technology that allows users to complete digital financial
transactions using a mobile phone without requiring a bank account, has become a common …
transactions using a mobile phone without requiring a bank account, has become a common …
Stack Overflow Meets Replication: Security Research Amid Evolving Code Snippets (Extended Version)
We study the impact of Stack Overflow code evolution on the stability of prior research
findings derived from Stack Overflow data and provide recommendations for future studies …
findings derived from Stack Overflow data and provide recommendations for future studies …
Mining user privacy concern topics from app reviews
Context: As mobile applications (apps) widely spread throughout our society and daily life,
various personal information is constantly demanded by apps in exchange for more …
various personal information is constantly demanded by apps in exchange for more …