Visualization for trust in machine learning revisited: The state of the field in 2023
Visualization for explainable and trustworthy machine learning remains one of the most
important and heavily researched fields within information visualization and visual analytics …
important and heavily researched fields within information visualization and visual analytics …
Vistrust: a multidimensional framework and empirical study of trust in data visualizations
Trust is an essential aspect of data visualization, as it plays a crucial role in the interpretation
and decision-making processes of users. While research in social sciences outlines the …
and decision-making processes of users. While research in social sciences outlines the …
A behavioral perspective on visualization in manufacturing and operations management: a review, framework, and research agenda
Visualizations are ubiquitous in today's manufacturing operations, whether in the form of
time series, scatter plots, flow charts, or dashboards. Managers, engineers, and shop-floor …
time series, scatter plots, flow charts, or dashboards. Managers, engineers, and shop-floor …
Visualization of class activation maps to explain AI classification of network packet captures
The classification of internet traffic has become increasingly important due to the rapid
growth of today's networks and application variety. The number of connections and the …
growth of today's networks and application variety. The number of connections and the …
AI Makes You Smarter, But None The Wiser: The Disconnect Between Performance and Metacognition
Optimizing human-AI interaction requires users to reflect on their own performance critically.
Our paper examines whether people using AI to complete tasks can accurately monitor how …
Our paper examines whether people using AI to complete tasks can accurately monitor how …
Explainable AI: A way to achieve trustworthy AI
Y Li, Y **ao, Y Gong, R Zhang, Y Huo… - 2024 IEEE 10th …, 2024 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
AI is black-box and non-explainable, in other words, due to the complexity of the decision-
making process of AI, people are unable to know why and how AI makes the decision. For …
making process of AI, people are unable to know why and how AI makes the decision. For …
[HTML][HTML] It Helps with Crap Lecturers and Their Low Effort: Investigating Computer Science Students' Perceptions of Using ChatGPT for Learning
M Bikanga Ada - Education Sciences, 2024 - mdpi.com
This study explores how computing science students (n= 335) use ChatGPT, their trust in its
information, their navigation of plagiarism issues, and their confidence in addressing …
information, their navigation of plagiarism issues, and their confidence in addressing …
Industry 5.0 and Operations Management—the Importance of Human Factors
In this position paper, we highlight the importance of human factors, especially cognition, for
operations management during the transition from Industry 4.0 to 5.0 and within. We argue …
operations management during the transition from Industry 4.0 to 5.0 and within. We argue …
Active gaze labeling: Visualization for trust building
Areas of interest (AOIs) are well-established means of providing semantic information for
visualizing, analyzing, and classifying gaze data. However, the usual manual annotation of …
visualizing, analyzing, and classifying gaze data. However, the usual manual annotation of …
[HTML][HTML] Diagnostic Decision-Making Variability Between Novice and Expert Optometrists for Glaucoma: Comparative Analysis to Inform AI System Design
Background While expert optometrists tend to rely on a deep understanding of the disease
and intuitive pattern recognition, those with less experience may depend more on extensive …
and intuitive pattern recognition, those with less experience may depend more on extensive …