[HTML][HTML] Stability analysis of fractional differential system with Riemann–Liouville derivative

D Qian, C Li, RP Agarwal, PJY Wong - Mathematical and Computer …, 2010 - Elsevier
Stability analysis of fractional differential system with Riemann–Liouville derivative -
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Fractional-order-based ACC/CACC algorithm for improving string stability

C Flores, V Milanés - Transportation Research Part C: Emerging …, 2018 - Elsevier
Traffic flow optimization and driver comfort enhancement are the main contributions of an
Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) system. If communication links are added, more safety and …

Development and Evaluation of Fuzzy Logic Controllers for Improving Performance of Wind Turbines on Semi-Submersible Platforms under Different Wind Scenarios

P Zambrana, J Fernández-Quijano… - Applied Sciences, 2023 - mdpi.com
Among renewable energy technologies, wind energy features one of the best possibilities
for large-scale integration into power systems. However, there are specific restrictions …

Conical tank level control with fractional PID

C Jauregui, MD Mermoud, G Lefranc… - IEEE Latin America …, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
A simulation study of fractional order PID (FOPID) applied to level control in a conic tank is
presented in this paper. An improved mathematical model to represent better the nonlinear …

Control robusto de orden fraccionario de la presión del vapor en el domo superior de una caldera bagacera

R Rivas Pérez, F Castillo García… - … de Automática e …, 2014 - riunet.upv.es
[ES] En el presente trabajo se desarrolla un controlador de orden fraccionario del tipo IDα-1
para el control robusto de la presión de vapor en el domo superior de una caldera …

Conical tank level control using fractional order PID controllers: a simulated and experimental study

C Jáuregui, MA Duarte-Mermoud, R Oróstica… - Control Theory and …, 2016 - Springer
In this paper, simulated and experimental results on the conical tank level control are
presented. PI/PID controllers of integer order (IO) as well as of fractional order (FO) are …

Robust fractional control based on high gain observers design (RNFC) for a Spirulina maxima culture interfaced with an advanced oxidation process

LE Amabilis-Sosa, AE Rodríguez-Mata… - Open …, 2023 - degruyter.com
In this article, the theory of fractional control and state estimation applied to biological
science is studied, particularly in hybrid wastewater treatment. For nonlinear systems with …

[HTML][HTML] Fractional sliding mode nonlinear procedure for robust control of an eutrophying microalgae photobioreactor

AE Rodríguez-Mata, R Luna, JR Pérez-Correa… - Algorithms, 2020 - mdpi.com
This paper proposes a fractional-order sliding mode controller (FOSMC) for the robust
control of a nonlinear process subjected to unknown parametric disturbances. The controller …

[HTML][HTML] Design and Comparison of Fractional-Order Controllers in Flotation Cell Banks and Flotation Columns Used in Copper Extraction Processes

MA Duarte-Mermoud, A Ricaldi-Morales… - Mathematics, 2024 - mdpi.com
This work explores efficiency improvements in the copper flotation stage, a complex
nonlinear, multivariable process subject to numerous perturbations. The primary objective is …

Robust fractional active disturbance rejection control: A unified approach

J Cortés-Romero, E Delgado-Aguilera… - ISA transactions, 2020 - Elsevier
This paper presents an adaptation of the Active Disturbance Rejection Control (ADRC)
method within the fractional calculus context. This ADRC version is characterized by a single …