[HTML][HTML] Electric vehicles' consumer behaviours: Map** the field and providing a research agenda
Research on consumers of electric vehicles appears to offer significant contributions relative
to the behaviour factors that stimulate purchase. Although it is one of the topics most …
to the behaviour factors that stimulate purchase. Although it is one of the topics most …
Green energy adoption and its determinants: A bibliometric analysis
Green energy has received extensive attention worldwide for its outstanding contributions to
fighting environmental damage. However, in recent years, there have been indications that …
fighting environmental damage. However, in recent years, there have been indications that …
Investigating the factors influencing the electric vehicle market share: A comparative study of the European Union and United States
Electric vehicles (EVs) are gaining worldwide popularity as a means to reduce greenhouse
gas emissions and decrease dependence on fossil fuels. This comparative study examines …
gas emissions and decrease dependence on fossil fuels. This comparative study examines …
Electric vehicles revisited: a review of factors that affect adoption
M Coffman, P Bernstein, S Wee - Transport Reviews, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
Electric vehicles (EVs) were recently reintroduced to the global car market. These are an
improvement over their predecessors in performance and electric driving range. Although …
improvement over their predecessors in performance and electric driving range. Although …
Modeling barriers to the adoption of electric vehicles: An Indian perspective
Transportation is among the top energy-consuming industries facing critical issues such as
emissions, congestion, and environmental challenges. To overcome these environmental …
emissions, congestion, and environmental challenges. To overcome these environmental …
[HTML][HTML] Storage technologies for electric vehicles
This review article describes the basic concepts of electric vehicles (EVs) and explains the
developments made from ancient times to till date leading to performance improvement of …
developments made from ancient times to till date leading to performance improvement of …
Factors influencing early battery electric vehicle adoption in Ireland
SC Mukherjee, L Ryan - Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2020 - Elsevier
This paper examines factors that influence battery electric vehicle (BEV) uptake amongst
early adopters. An incomplete understanding of the motivations behind consumer uptake …
early adopters. An incomplete understanding of the motivations behind consumer uptake …
[HTML][HTML] Hopes and fears for a sustainable energy future: enter the hydrogen acceptance matrix
Hydrogen-fuelled technologies for home heating and cooking may provide a low-carbon
solution for decarbonising parts of the global housing stock. For the transition to transpire …
solution for decarbonising parts of the global housing stock. For the transition to transpire …
Analysing the take up of battery electric vehicles: An investigation of barriers amongst drivers in the UK
The stream of announcements in 2017, effectively banning the production and sales of
internal combustion engine vehicles within the next fifteen-twenty years, indicate how …
internal combustion engine vehicles within the next fifteen-twenty years, indicate how …
Battery electric vehicle adoption in Denmark and Sweden: Recent changes, related factors and policy implications
Countries worldwide are trying to increase the share of battery electric vehicles (BEVs) to
reach environmental goals. As part of these efforts, the EU project GREAT installed new fast …
reach environmental goals. As part of these efforts, the EU project GREAT installed new fast …