Thermal adaptation revisited: How conserved are thermal traits of reptiles and amphibians?
Ectothermic animals, such as amphibians and reptiles, are particularly sensitive to rapidly
warming global temperatures. One response in these organisms may be to evolve aspects …
warming global temperatures. One response in these organisms may be to evolve aspects …
Heat freezes niche evolution
Climate change is altering phenology and distributions of many species and further changes
are projected. Can species physiologically adapt to climate warming? We analyse thermal …
are projected. Can species physiologically adapt to climate warming? We analyse thermal …
Future temperature extremes threaten land vertebrates
The frequency, duration, and intensity of extreme thermal events are increasing and are
projected to further increase by the end of the century,. Despite the considerable …
projected to further increase by the end of the century,. Despite the considerable …
Humidity–The overlooked variable in the thermal biology of mosquito‐borne disease
Vector‐borne diseases cause significant financial and human loss, with billions of dollars
spent on control. Arthropod vectors experience a complex suite of environmental factors that …
spent on control. Arthropod vectors experience a complex suite of environmental factors that …
Male fertility thermal limits predict vulnerability to climate warming
Forecasting which species/ecosystems are most vulnerable to climate warming is essential
to guide conservation strategies to minimize extinction. Tropical/mid-latitude species are …
to guide conservation strategies to minimize extinction. Tropical/mid-latitude species are …
Increased temperature variation poses a greater risk to species than climate warming
Increases in the frequency, severity and duration of temperature extremes are anticipated in
the near future. Although recent work suggests that changes in temperature variation will …
the near future. Although recent work suggests that changes in temperature variation will …
Thermal tolerance patterns across latitude and elevation
Linking variation in species' traits to large-scale environmental gradients can lend insight
into the evolutionary processes that have shaped functional diversity and future responses …
into the evolutionary processes that have shaped functional diversity and future responses …
Predicting organismal vulnerability to climate warming: roles of behaviour, physiology and adaptation
A recently developed integrative framework proposes that the vulnerability of a species to
environmental change depends on the species' exposure and sensitivity to environmental …
environmental change depends on the species' exposure and sensitivity to environmental …
Ecological and evolutionary consequences of metabolic rate plasticity in response to environmental change
Basal or standard metabolic rate reflects the minimum amount of energy required to
maintain body processes, while the maximum metabolic rate sets the ceiling for aerobic …
maintain body processes, while the maximum metabolic rate sets the ceiling for aerobic …
What can plasticity contribute to insect responses to climate change?
Plastic responses figure prominently in discussions on insect adaptation to climate change.
Here we review the different types of plastic responses and whether they contribute much to …
Here we review the different types of plastic responses and whether they contribute much to …