Geographically and temporally weighted regression for modeling spatio-temporal variation in house prices
B Huang, B Wu, M Barry - International journal of geographical …, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
By incorporating temporal effects into the geographically weighted regression (GWR) model,
an extended GWR model, geographically and temporally weighted regression (GTWR), has …
an extended GWR model, geographically and temporally weighted regression (GTWR), has …
[КНИГА][B] The dictionary of human geography
D Gregory, R Johnston, G Pratt, M Watts, S Whatmore - 2009 - books.google.com
THE DICTIONARY OF HUMAN GEOGRAPHY 'Even better than before, the Dictionary is an
essential tool for all human geographers and over the years has provided an invaluable …
essential tool for all human geographers and over the years has provided an invaluable …
Geographically weighted regression
Spatial data contain locational information as well as attribute information. It is increasingly
recognized that most data sets are spatial in that the attribute being measured is typically …
recognized that most data sets are spatial in that the attribute being measured is typically …
Geographically weighted regression with a non-Euclidean distance metric: a case study using hedonic house price data
Geographically weighted regression (GWR) is an important local technique for exploring
spatial heterogeneity in data relationships. In fitting with Tobler's first law of geography, each …
spatial heterogeneity in data relationships. In fitting with Tobler's first law of geography, each …
Multicollinearity and correlation among local regression coefficients in geographically weighted regression
D Wheeler, M Tiefelsdorf - Journal of Geographical Systems, 2005 - Springer
Present methodological research on geographically weighted regression (GWR) focuses
primarily on extensions of the basic GWR model, while ignoring well-established diagnostics …
primarily on extensions of the basic GWR model, while ignoring well-established diagnostics …
The GWmodel R package: further topics for exploring spatial heterogeneity using geographically weighted models
In this study, we present a collection of local models, termed geographically weighted (GW)
models, which can be found within the GWmodel R package. A GW model suits situations …
models, which can be found within the GWmodel R package. A GW model suits situations …
Spatial autocorrelation
A Getis - Handbook of applied spatial analysis: Software tools …, 2009 - Springer
In this chapter we review the concept of spatial autocorrelation and its attributes. Our
purpose is to outline the various formulations and measures of spatial autocorrelation and to …
purpose is to outline the various formulations and measures of spatial autocorrelation and to …
Geographically weighted regression
DC Wheeler - Handbook of regional science, 2021 - Springer
Geographically weighted regression (GWR) was proposed in the geography literature to
allow relationships in a regression model to vary over space. In contrast to traditional linear …
allow relationships in a regression model to vary over space. In contrast to traditional linear …
Geographical weighting as a further refinement to regression modelling: An example focused on the NDVI–rainfall relationship
GM Foody - Remote sensing of Environment, 2003 - Elsevier
The regression analyses undertaken commonly in remote sensing are aspatial, ignoring the
locational information associated with each sample site at which the variables under study …
locational information associated with each sample site at which the variables under study …
Modeling spatial variations of urban growth patterns in Chinese cities: The case of Nan**g
Revealing spatially varying relationships between urban growth patterns and underlying
determinants is important for better understanding local dimensions of urban development …
determinants is important for better understanding local dimensions of urban development …