Twitter as a tool for health research: a systematic review
Background. Researchers have used traditional databases to study public health for
decades. Less is known about the use of social media data sources, such as Twitter, for this …
decades. Less is known about the use of social media data sources, such as Twitter, for this …
[ספר][B] Searchable talk: Hashtags and social media metadiscourse
M Zappavigna - 2018 - books.google.com
Metadata such as the hashtag is an important dimension of social media communication.
Despite its important role in practices such as curating, tagging, and searching content, there …
Despite its important role in practices such as curating, tagging, and searching content, there …
[PDF][PDF] Twitter hashtags from ad hoc to calculated publics
Twitter Hashtags from Ad Hoc to Calculated Publics Axel Bruns and Jean Burgess Introduction
From its early beginnings as an inst Page 1 Twitter Hashtags from Ad Hoc to Calculated Publics …
From its early beginnings as an inst Page 1 Twitter Hashtags from Ad Hoc to Calculated Publics …
Beyond the hashtag: Circumventing content moderation on social media
Social media companies make important decisions about what counts as “problematic”
content and how they will remove it. Some choose to moderate hashtags, blocking the …
content and how they will remove it. Some choose to moderate hashtags, blocking the …
I do not believe you: How providing a source corrects health misperceptions across social media platforms
Social media are often criticized as serving as a source of misinformation, but in this study
we examine how they may also function to correct misperceptions on an emerging health …
we examine how they may also function to correct misperceptions on an emerging health …
Is Habermas on Twitter?: Social media and the public sphere
The social media platforms Facebook and Twitter include political areas, for example
presentations of political parties or elected representatives, or political hashtags linking …
presentations of political parties or elected representatives, or political hashtags linking …
From public sphere to performative publics: Develo** media practice as an analytic model
This chapter reviews some of the criticisms of the universal idea of a public sphere. Drawing
on recent scholarship in social movement studies, it shows how the dynamics of the" …
on recent scholarship in social movement studies, it shows how the dynamics of the" …
Exploring the landscape of educator professional activity on Twitter: An analysis of 16 education-related Twitter hashtags
In the last decade, social media have become important tools for educator professional
development, learning and community. While education has traditionally proven to be an …
development, learning and community. While education has traditionally proven to be an …
Mediatized populisms| digital populism: Trolls and political polarization of Twitter in Turkey
This article analyzes political trolling in Turkey through the lens of mediated populism.
Twitter trolling in Turkey has diverged from its original uses (ie, poking fun, flaming, etc.) …
Twitter trolling in Turkey has diverged from its original uses (ie, poking fun, flaming, etc.) …
[ספר][B] Beyond hashtags: Racial politics and Black digital networks
S Florini - 2019 - library.oapen.org
How black Americans use digital networks to organize and cultivate solidarity Unrest
gripped Ferguson, Missouri, after Mike Brown, an unarmed black teenager, was shot and …
gripped Ferguson, Missouri, after Mike Brown, an unarmed black teenager, was shot and …