Mechanistic modeling of hybrid low salinity polymer flooding: Role of geochemistry
Low salinity polymer (LSP) based enhanced oil recovery (EOR) technique is getting more
attention due to its potential of improving both displacement and sweep efficiencies …
attention due to its potential of improving both displacement and sweep efficiencies …
The impact of the electrical behavior of oil-brine-rock interfaces on the ionic transport rate in a thin film, hydrodynamic pressure, and low salinity waterflooding effect
Wettability alteration is the principal low-salinity-effect (LSE) in many oil-brine-rock (OBR)
systems. Our recent experimental results have demonstrated that wettability alteration by low …
systems. Our recent experimental results have demonstrated that wettability alteration by low …
Evaluating the Effect of Carbonate Impurities on Wettability Alteration Using a Geochemical Model
Wettability alteration considered as the principal mechanism has attracted more attention for
low salinity waterflooding effect. It was significantly affected by electrokinetic interactions …
low salinity waterflooding effect. It was significantly affected by electrokinetic interactions …