Pengaruh pemeriksaan pajak, keadilan pajak dan tarif pajak terhadap etika penggelapan pajak (Studi kasus pada kantor pelayanan pajak pratama Klaten)

ON Ervana - Jurnal Akuntansi Pajak Dewantara, 2023 -
This study aims to determine the effect of tax audit, tax fairness and tax rates on taxpayer
perceptions regarding the ethics of tax evasion. This research was conducted at the KPP …


RS Aliyudin, EF Ahmad… - J-Aksi: Jurnal Akuntansi …, 2021 -
This study aims to determine the effect of taxation systems, discrimination, technology and
tax information on the perception of taxpayers at Majalengka University regarding tax …

Tindakan Agresivitas Pajak dipandang dari Teori Akuntansi Positif

DS Wulandari - Owner: Riset Dan Jurnal Akuntansi, 2022 -
Taxes are one of the state's largest sources of income. For businesses, taxes are a burden
that can reduce profits. The government wants high tax revenues, but businesses want low …

[PDF][PDF] Keadilan dan Diskriminasi Pajak Terhadap Penggelapan Pajak: Persepsi Wajib Pajak Orang Pribadi

E Pratiwi, R Prabowo - AFRE Accounting and Financial …, 2019 -
This study aims to analyze the effect of tax justice and tax discrimination on the perception of
individual taxpayers (WPOP) regarding tax evasion. The population of this study is the …

[PDF][PDF] Influence of self-assessment system, taxation understanding, and discrimination toward ethics of tax evasion: A case in Papua Indonesia

YC Seralurin, Y Ermawati - … journal of management, IT and social …, 2019 -
The main principle of tax collection, as a manifestation of the obligation of citizens, is to help
state finance and national development. All state income from taxes will be used to finance …

Pengaruh Sistem Perpajakan, Kualitas Pelayanan dan Terdeteksinya Kecurangan Terhadap Penggelapan Pajak

E Winarsih - ATESTASI: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi, 2018 -
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh sistem perpajakan, kualitas
pelayanan dan terdeteksinya kecurangan terhadap penggelapan pajak. Penelitian ini …

[PDF][PDF] The effect of tax justice, discrimination, and religiosity on tax evasion behavior

I Pahala, TE Jaya, GA Nurdito, R Ningrum, AM Musyaffi… - Calitatea, 2022 -
This research was conducted to obtain empirical evidence regarding the Effects of Tax
Justice, Discrimination, and Religiosity on Tax Evasion Behavior. This research uses …

Exploration of tax compliance determination on micro, small and medium enterprise

A Supriyono, I Utami, A Muktiyanto - Jurnal Akuntansi, 2021 -
The background of this research is the contribution of tax revenue from the Small Micro and
Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) sector which is still less than the national tax revenue …

Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Persepsi Etis Penggelapan Pajak

Z Zainuddin, SA Mahdi, AA Ismail - … Akuntansi, Dan Keuangan …, 2021 -
This study aims to determine and analyze the influence of machiavellian, love of money, tax
systems, tax rates, tax audits, tax discrimination, technology and tax information on ethical …