A global checklist of the 932 fruit fly species in the tribe Dacini (Diptera, Tephritidae)
The correct application of the scientific names of species is neither easy nor trivial. Mistakes
can lead to the wrong interpretation of research results or, when pest species are involved …
can lead to the wrong interpretation of research results or, when pest species are involved …
Six years of fruit fly surveys in Bangladesh: a new species, 33 new country records and discovery of the highly invasive Bactrocera carambolae (Diptera, Tephritidae)
We engaged in six years of snap-shot surveys for fruit flies in rural environments and ten
protected forest areas of Bangladesh, using traps baited with male lures (cue-lure, methyl …
protected forest areas of Bangladesh, using traps baited with male lures (cue-lure, methyl …
New species, redescriptions and phylogenetic revision of tribe Dacini (Diptera: Tephritidae: Dacinae) from India based on morphological characters.
KJ David, S Ramani - Zootaxa, 2019 - europepmc.org
The tribe Dacini comprising four genera, namely Bactrocera Macquart, Dacus Fabricius,
Monacrostichus Bezzi and Zeugodacus Hendel, is a derived lineage in Tephritidae. It is one …
Monacrostichus Bezzi and Zeugodacus Hendel, is a derived lineage in Tephritidae. It is one …
[PDF][PDF] New species, new records and updated subgeneric key of Bactrocera Macquart (Diptera: Tephritidae: Dacinae: Dacini) from India
Two new species of genus Bactrocera Macquart, namely B.(Sinodacus) brevipunctata David
and Hancock, sp. nov. and B.(Bactrocera) furcata David and Hancock, sp. nov., are …
and Hancock, sp. nov. and B.(Bactrocera) furcata David and Hancock, sp. nov., are …
A review of the subgenera'Apodacus' Perkins,'Hemizeugodacus' Hardy,'Neozeugodacus' May, stat. rev.,'Semicallantra'Drew and'Tetradacus' Miyake of Bactrocera …
DL Hancock, RAI Drew - TheAustralian Entomologist, 2018 - search.informit.org
The Indo-Australian subgenera'Apodacus' Perkins (='Heterodaculus' Hardy, syn.
n.),'Hemizeugodacus' Hardy,'Neozeugodacus' May, stat. rev.,'Semicallantra'Drew …
n.),'Hemizeugodacus' Hardy,'Neozeugodacus' May, stat. rev.,'Semicallantra'Drew …
[PDF][PDF] A survey of fruit flies (Tephritidae: Dacini) of District Swat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province, Pakistan
F Maula, A Ali, K Inamullah, A AA, A Bari… - Journal of **'an …, 2023 - researchgate.net
For the first time, a taxonomic survey of tropical fruit fly species has been conducted in
northern Pakistan. The survey was carried out over the Spring and Autumn fruiting season …
northern Pakistan. The survey was carried out over the Spring and Autumn fruiting season …
[КНИГА][B] Indian insects: diversity and science
S Ramani, P Mohanraj, HM Yeshwanth - 2019 - books.google.com
Insects are the most interesting and diverse group of organisms on earth, many of which are
useful as pollinators of crops and wild plants while others are useful as natural enemies …
useful as pollinators of crops and wild plants while others are useful as natural enemies …
Taxonomy and diversity of Indian fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae)
Fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) with more than 5,000 described species in six subfamilies, is
one of the largest insect families, and is among the ten largest families of the order Diptera …
one of the largest insect families, and is among the ten largest families of the order Diptera …
A new genus of fruit fly in subfamily Dacinae (Diptera: Tephritidae) from India.
A new genus and species of fruit fly, Dacimita curvifasciatus David & Hancock, gen. et sp. n.
is described from Meghalaya, India. It morphologically resembles Ichneumonopsis Hardy …
is described from Meghalaya, India. It morphologically resembles Ichneumonopsis Hardy …
[PDF][PDF] Species identification of economic important adult fruit flies based on DNA Barcoding (MT DNA COI) and larvae based on species specific primers from Central …
S Afroz, S Nomana, Y Zhang, Y Ali… - Malays. J. Sustain …, 2022 - academia.edu
Bangladesh has fertile land and a conducive climate for the growth of various agricultural
products (Hoq et al., 2012). Agriculture is the most dominant sector of the economy of …
products (Hoq et al., 2012). Agriculture is the most dominant sector of the economy of …